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Alberto Crane – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advanced
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Alberto Crane – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advanced
Advanced Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Book & DVD with Alberto Crane
Contents include:
Omoplata -triangle drill
Triangle -omoplata drill to armlock
Triangle -omoplata drill defense
Basic omoplata
Omoplata collar choke
Face up omoplata choke
Face up omoplata crank
Basic omoplata defense (roll)
Basic omoplata defense (jump over)
Omoplata defense roll to armbar
Omoplata defense roll to omoplata
Omoplata dbody reversal sweep
Omoplata body reversal sweep to omoplata (he turns away)
Omoplata body reversal to triangle or triangle armbar (he turns into you)
Omoplata jumpover defense counterattack to figure four foot lock
Snake omoplata and snake omoplata under leg
Pretzel snake omoplata
Standing omoplata to armbar
Standing omoplata roll sweep with arm
Standing omoplata roll sweep without arm
Standing omoplata back breaker roll to back control
Standing omoplata to knee bar Knee bar runaway defense to reverse calf crank
Standing omoplata roll sweep to single leg
Standing omoplata roll sweep to double leg Standing omoplata grab pants defense
Standing omoplata defense to omoplata
Cross strip takedown to guard pass
Half guard pass
Half guard pass to lasso choke
Margarida pass
Margarida pass 2
Margarida pass – choke combination
Half guard thong sweep (margarida pass defense)
Half guard thong sweep #2 to 2 guard passes
Half guard thong sweep #3 to high crotch take down
Half guard kick over pass
Half guard kick over pass to lasso choke
Half guard kick over pass to knee bar
Half guard kick over pass to knee bar when legs are crossed Half guard kick over pass sweep defense
Half guard kick over sweep defense to back control
Spider guard drill
Foot on hip spider guard to ankle pick sweep
Foot on hip spider guard to triangle
Matador pass to arm bar spider guard defense #1
Spider guard defense #2
Sit on legs pass to arm bar
Spider guard defense #3
Strip the grip pass variation 1
Spider guard defense #3
Strip the grip pass variation 2
Sitting guard power sweep to back control
Sitting guard power sweep to calf crank
Sitting power guard to armbar
Sitting guard to cross choke arm bar combination
Sitting guard to steering wheel sweep to armbar
Advanced lapel cross choke from guard
Advanced lapel arm bar from guard
Advanced lapel arm bar to wrap around collar choke
Advanced lapel arm bar to collar choke and reversal
Basic back escape #1 (both arms under your arms
Back escape #2 (with 1 hand on your collar)
Basic back escape #3 (when getting collar choked)
Back collar choke to arm bar combination
Back triangle (torture chamber)
Twister to banana splits
Banana splits to calf crank
Back control to crucifix
Crucifix to leg kimura
The Book is 126 pages and the DVD is around 3 hours in length!
There’s really not much to say as far as content goes obviously but this is a huge amount of material for only $24.95!!! This could have easily been a 4-5 DVD set and could have sold for over $100. I expected the book to have that much content but the DVD has every technique listed in the book as well. I mean it’s only 1 low cost DVD but is loaded with about 3 hours of real good techniques. No fluff, just useable techniques. This is the biggest bargain I’ve seen yet when it comes to instructional material.
Alberto speaks very well and instructs in English so there’s no worries about the fact that it is a Japanese made product. There are Japanese and English subtitles as well. The DVD format follows this: one basic demonstration of the technique followed by one more in depth instruction of the technique. Then they show a split camera live speed of the technique followed by a split camera slow speed section. The split camera views often show two different angles at once so you get the three-dimensional effect of seeing all the details with no obstructions. The book is in Japanese and English as well.
I have to recommend this highly not just for the quality content but for the fact that this is a steal fro the price!!!
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