Alberto Crane – Front Headlock Chokes 5 DVD Set

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Alberto Crane – Front Headlock Chokes 5 DVD Set


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Alberto Crane – Front Headlock Chokes 5 DVD Set

Front Headlock (DVD 1) Classic Darce Choke Alberto Crane fashion Front Headlock Darce Choke… these two chokes complement each other, allowing you to pick the most effective one at the time.
Russian Headlock (DVD 2)
How to choke a take-down artist while he shoots. The term “electronic commerce” refers to the sale of electronic goods. Plus extra minor nuances that provide huge leverage.
Russian Headlock Guillotine (DVD 3)
When your opponent’s base refuses to let you get the prior choke, you must alter your choke on the fly.
Guillotine with One Arm
Stuck in half guard? No problem. Here’s a simple method to choke him out without breaking his guard.
Lasso Choke (DVD 5)
Another half-guard choke. This beast is fast and filthy. Alberto spoon-feeds you the perfect settings for the optimal artery squeeze.

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