Alex Kostic – Breaking Structure (Systema)

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Alex Kostic – Breaking Structure (Systema)


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Alex Kostic – Breaking Structure (Systema)

This is from one of the future generation of Systema instructors who can do and explain at the same time.
The DVD contains a wealth of knowledge on how to disrupt your opponent’s framework in fight in unexpected ways.
A difficult to find DVD.
Martial artists should see this.
Here’s the synopsis.
DVD “Breaking the Structure”
Alex Kostic performed
Russian martial arts: The principles and practice of undermining an opponent’s balance and integrity in fight.
Color, 70-minute runtime Alex Kostic is a well-known teacher of the Russian Martial Art Systema.
In this video, he demonstrates step-by-step ideas and practice that are critical in learning how to break an opponent’s framework, resulting to a ‘free play.’
Alex’s teaching is joyful and enthusiastic, and this DVD is chock-full of fascinating philosophical and significant tales that make his teaching not only easy to follow, but also delightful to put into practice.

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