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Alex Kozma Nei Ja and Xing Yi
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Alex Kozma Nei Ja and Xing Yi
It’s difficult to put this video series into words.
It’s written by Alex Kozma, a fantastic inside martial artist.
The majority of this series revolves around Nei Ja and Xing Yi.
This video series is a “MUST HAVE” in my opinion.
The portion on Xing Yi alone will teach you a lot about posture, movement, and structural integration in internal martial arts.
This segment has been seen by me several times.
If you’ve heard or read about “moving like a unit,” “rooting,” “issuing power,” or “using waist” and struggled to put the notion into reality, you should watch it again.
Even whether you are learning taichichuan or bagua, the concepts are quite general and useful.
You can also apply these ideas if you are learning karate.
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