Andreas Hoffman – Shaolin Chi Sim Weng Chung

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Andreas Hoffman – Shaolin Chi Sim Weng Chung


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Andreas Hoffman – Shaolin Chi Sim Weng Chung

This video features the set Saam Baai Fut, which translates to “Three Bows to Buddha.” This is Chi Sim Weng Chun’s heart. The pupil learns to increase energy via the waist as in bowing in this set. Every Weng Chun technique has its own bow to provide strength and structure. When a practitioner masters the technique of Saam Baai Fut, he or she may drain an experienced opponent’s energy or perhaps prevent it from emerging at all. This set also promotes the idea of thinking vertically, horizontally, and laterally by bowing to Heaven (high), Human (middle), and Earth (low) (low). Its goal is to broaden the practitioner’s capacity to span all of space and time. This set is named Saam Baai Fut because the student bows three times: once for the Dharma (teaching), once for his or her classmates, and once to the Buddha nature inside.

This Saam Baai Fut video is dedicated to Grand Master Wai Yan for his contribution to the advancement of Chi Sim Weng Chun Kung Fu.

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