Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiras Instructional DVD Series

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Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiras Instructional DVD Series


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Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiras Instructional DVD Series

For the first time in GUARD FOR MMA, Nogueira reveals his whole guard system. He shows how to get control of your opponent by using his trademark posture control positions, and then how to use those control positions to lock in severe submissions, execute flawless sweeps, and make fluid transitions to more dominating positions. Unlike other DVDs, this is not a random assortment of clips. Every technique in GUARD FOR MMA is linked together, allowing you to capitalize on your opponent’s defensive reflexes. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira’s guard system has taken over twenty years to complete.
Nogueira will take your fighting game to the next level in HALF, INSIDE HOOKS, AND DOWNED GUARD FOR MMA by breaking down each of these guard positions into a very effective method. Each technique provides several methods for gaining control of your opponent, as well as a slew of bone-breaking submissions, devastating sweeps, and deft escapes. Unlike other DVDs, this is not a random collection of movements. Every technique in HALF, INSIDE HOOKS, AND DOWNED GUARD FOR MMA is linked together, allowing you to capitalize on your opponent’s defensive reflexes. This DVD, which comes from from the head of a grapple expert, will take your fighting game to the next level.
Nogueira reveals his intricate tactics for passing the closed guard, open guard, inside hooks guard, half guard, and fallen guard for the first time in PASSING GUARD FOR MMA. Nogueira has several passes for each position that you may use based on your opponent’s reflexes and defense, allowing you to escape the guard and gain a dominant position in every circumstance. This DVD, which has been 20 years in the making, will offer you an advantage over your opponents.

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