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Bas Rutten – Punk Payback Season 1
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Bas Rutten – Punk Payback Season 1
(From the person who proposed putting hot sauce in an attacker’s eyes) Bas Rutten, UFC heavyweight champion and three-time King of Pancrase, combed through hundreds of hours of tape to find the top examples of punks who got away with their crimes.
Bas will rehearse each situation with the hottest MMA, motocross, and skateboarding athletes, displaying the required combat techniques to survive on the streets.
Punks, take note: it’s time for the underdog to seize the lead in Punk Payback.
Palm Madness (DVD)
Bas Rutten, former UFC champion and King of Pancrase, demonstrates all of his tremendous fighting abilities in stopping thieves, carjackers, pickpockets, and other ‘punks’ in their tracks.
DVD 2, 22 minutes, all ages and sizes
How can a jerk believe that he can rob a bank without using a weapon? And why would you enter a convenience shop with security cameras rolling, wearing nothing but a see-through plastic bag over your head to hide yourself?
DVD 3. The Pole Has It (22 minutes)
In the realm of armed robbery, one issue has never been answered: can a guy rob a convenience store with a 10-foot pole? We’ll find out when Bas faces the thug who storms into a business while welding a 10-foot wooden pole and demanding money!
22min.sDVD 4. Handicap Area?
Tonight, former UFC champion Bas Rutten takes on a punk who disguises himself with crutches and another who attempts robbery without a weapon. Erik “Bad” Apple, a professional MMA fighter, appears as a guest star.
22min.sDVD 5. G-String or no G-String?
A gun-wielding drive-through drag queen. Everything is normal in episode 5 of Punk Payback with Bas Rutten. Motocross freestyle pro Cal Vallone appears as a special guest alongside former UFC champion Bas Rutten to take on punk offenders from all walks of life.
22min.sDVD 6. Christmas Day
Former UFC champion Bas Rutten is just getting started as fists, knees, and headbutts fly. The former UFC champion faces a new batch of punks with dubious intelligence – and much less convincing goals. MMA pro Erik “Bad” Apple makes an appearance.
22min.sDVD 7. Several Socks
Bas Rutten lays down incredible techniques for numerous attackers, defeats a lottery ticket thief, and introduces a cane-wielding guy who isn’t scared to brawl.
22min.sDVD 8. Mop vs. Stick
Former UFC Champion Bas Rutten squares up against a would-be robber with an odd weapon to discover who is stronger: man or mop.
22min.sDVD 9. Taking Advantage of Opportunities
Motocross freestyle pro As knees, elbows, and chokes collide, Nick Dunne appears as a guest star to assist Bas Rutten in taking down punks armed with everything from baseball bats to flip-flops.
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