Benny Meng – Biu Ji

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Benny Meng – Biu Ji


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Benny Meng – Biu Ji

Benny Meng’s Ip Man Wing Chun Series 5-6: Biu Ji DVD and the Ving Tsun Museum

Volumes 1 and 2 of the Biu Ji Instructional Series are included in Biu Ji – Thrusting Fingers/Focused Power.

Biu Ji is the third form in the Yip Man system, completing the three-form trilogy.

The first part builds on the previous volumes, taking you to the advanced level of training and focusing on the essence and principles of the Biu Ji form, as well as the significance of technique names.

The Biu Ji set focuses on generating maximum power and directing it to the extremities such as the fingers, forearm, elbow, and so on. The set’s second emphasis is on “Gau Gap Sau” (Emergency Hand), which trains you to recover from unfavorable positions. This video also discusses the form’s chronology, concepts, and applications.

Throughout the movie, the knowledge is given in a variety of styles, including solo, partner demonstration, and application, allowing you to witness the simplicity, directness, and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage.

The second section expands on the format established in the preceding five volumes.

First, we go deeply into the essence of Wing Chun Combat by introducing the Biu Ji pupil to Chi Sau levels of workouts and drills. These workouts and drills are intimately related to the Biu Ji set, teaching body mechanics while also introducing strategy and concentrated force. Many of the previous cassettes’ Wing Chun ideas are brought to life with specific explanations and illustrations of combat applications.

By achieving this level of competence, the learner advances his “auto-pilot” to the next level: spontaneous and accurate reflexes to changing situations at various ranges with maximum force, backed by an automated recovery mechanism for unfavorable positions.

The language is English.
Duration: around 120 minutes
NTSC is the format.
DVD Format: DVD-R Region: Region 0: Region Unknown

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