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Bong Soo Han – Hapkido
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Bong Soo Han – Hapkido
*HDA Accepted* Please keep in mind that the video “Hapkido – Red Belt” (not Red Belt First Stripe) is DEFECTIVE.
Also missing is DVD 11, “20th Anniversary Demo and Interview,” which is more of a general subject than an instructional movie in any case.
Except for the broken Red Belt movie, the videos may appear to “stop” or go silent for a few seconds; this is normal and planned, as you can see if you rewind or forward about half a minute.
Grand Master Bong Soo Han was the world’s finest practitioner of Hapkido and is known in the Western world as the “Father of Hapkido.”
He led a determined effort in the formation of Hapkido as it is known today as one of the initial senior pupils of the Founder of Hapkido, Yong Sul Choi.
Throughout his life, he taught hundreds of devoted students, many of whom went on to become masters themselves.
Other masters of many styles have sought his advice and lessons.
Grand Master Han spent more than 60 years studying and refining this potent Korean martial art.
He held the level of 9th Dan Black Belt at the time of his death.
He established and oversaw the International Hapkido Federation.
Master Bong Soo Han, the father of Hapkido in America, educates in this 11-volume collection on the Korean art of Hapkido.
Yellow Belt, Volume 1 Techniques: -Hapkido warm-ups, stretching, and conditioning exercises, as well as fundamental kicks, blocks, punches, and self-defense methods against different opponents
Vol. 2: The Orange Belt Techniques: – Hapkido falling techniques, basic kicking combos, step back kicks, and Hapkido self-defense methods against striking ttacks and wrist grabs.
Vol 3: Purple Belt Techniques: – This useful lesson teaches single kick blocks, self-defense combos against front, side, and roundhouse kicks, as well as Hapkido escapes and counter strikes against wrist grips.
Vol 4: Green Belt Methods: – In this session, you’ll learn rear and front leg jumping front, side, and roundhouse kicks, as well as dynamic Hapkido self-defense techniques against one and two handed wrist grips.
Vol 5: Blue Belt Techniques: Contains six blue belt kicking combinations, eight dynamic Hapkido throwing techniques, and a variety of Hapkido self-defense combinations against sleeve, lapel, collar, and shoulder grabs.
Brown Belt Techniques: teaches nine powerful kicking combinations as well as advanced Hapkido self defense against different garment grips.
Vol 7: Brown Belt 1st Stripe: – You will master advanced brown belt kicking combos, Hapkido advanced self-defense methods against back, wrist, collar, shoulder, and sleeve grips, and sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve slee
Vol. 8: Red Belt Methods: -Teaches red belt spinning and jump kick combos, as well as 14 powerful Hapkido self-defense techniques for front, side, and rear choke attempts.
Vol 9: Red Belt Techniques 1st Stripe: -11 advanced spinning, leaping, and flying kicks, as well as advanced self-defense throws, sweeps, and take downs against punching strikes.
Vol. 10: -Black Belt Techniques: Black belt drop sweep spinning roundhouse and heel kicks, as well as over 20 advanced Hapkido take downs, sweeps, and throws versus front, side, and roundhouse kicks.
Vol. 11: Demo and Interview for the 20th Anniversary: This dynamic ivideo depicts an exhilarating 1995 Hapkido presentation performed by Bong Soo Han’s pupils to commemorate the 20th anniversary of his Santa Monica, CA school.
This episode explores all facets of Hapkido, the Korean martial art of “Coordinating Power.”
A very rare and unique conversation with Grandmaster Bong Soo Han – the father of Hapkido – is also included.
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