Burmese Boxing-Documentary

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Burmese Boxing-Documentary


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Burmese Boxing-Documentary

Boxing in Burma Asia’s Last Gladiators Zoran Rebac directed the film. Burmese boxing is one of the most ferocious and brutally effective combat styles ever devised.
Although it has the same origins as the renowned art of Muay Thai, it has not been “refined” to make it more acceptable as a modern sport.
Burmese boxing features all of the bone-breaking punches, elbows, knees, and kicks seen in Thai boxing, as well as powerful head butts, throws, spinning blows, and even theatrical vaulting attacks in which the practitioner practically climbs up his opponent’s body to deliver a death blow.
This incredible movie takes you inside the prohibited world of Burmese boxing, with a look at its history, rare footage of boxing exhibitions by Burmese experts, training in fundamental fighting methods and counters, and contemporary Burmese boxing laws.
It also features clips from genuine Burmese boxing contests, which include the type of hard-hitting, never-ending action that makes current no-holds-barred competitions look mild in contrast.
This is purely for informational purposes.

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