Convict Conditioning – Complete set

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Convict Conditioning – Complete set


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Convict Conditioning – Complete set

Volume 1 of Convict Conditioning: The Prison Pushup Series
Paul “Coach” Wade shot this video on Alcatraz with Brett Jones and Max Shank.
Convict Conditioning Prison Pushup Series by Paul Wade blasts out of the cellblock to show you in detail how to move from the easiness of a simple wall pushup to the astonishing “one-in-10,000” feat of the prison-style one-arm pushup. Pushup expertise is achieved through ten incremental steps.

This self-study course in ultimate survival strength includes extra content not found in Paul Wade’s original Convict Conditioning book, as well as other critical training techniques that polish and expand on the original approach.

An illustrated 80-plus-page handbook includes the complete film screenplay for you to read at your leisure, as well as dazzling, exact photos to remind you of the key moves you saw on the DVD.

59-minute DVD with 88-page companion manual.

Volume 2 of Convict Conditioning: The Ultimate Bodyweight Squat Course
Paul “Coach” Wade shot this video on Alcatraz with Brett Jones and Max Shank.
Convict Conditioning Ultimate Bodyweight Squat Course erupts from the cellblock to show you in minute detail how to move from the simplicity of a basic shoulderstand squat to the spectacular “one-in-10,000” success of the prison-style one-leg squat. Bodyweight squat expertise is achieved through ten successive steps. Make it your goal to become a Bodyweight Squat Immortal.

This self-study course in ultimate survival strength includes extra content not found in Paul Wade’s original Convict Conditioning book, as well as other critical training techniques that polish and expand on the original approach.

Whatever you want from your bodyweight squats, whether it’s superior functional strength, massive muscular growth, or explosive leg power, Convict Conditioning, Volume 2: The Ultimate Bodyweight Squat Course has it all.

56-minute DVD with 88-page companion manual.

Volume 3 of Convict Conditioning: Leg Raises: Six Pack from Hell
Paul “Coach” Wade shot this video on Alcatraz with Brett Jones and Max Shank.
When criminals workout their waists, they want genuine, observable results, and we don’t mean pretty, tight, tiny defined abs. They desire large, robust, and muscular midsections. They desire functionally strong abs and hips for heavy lifting, kicking, and brawling. They want guts so powerful from their training that punching them in the stomach truly hurts. Prison abs aren’t all show and no go. A prison-built body must be all show and all go. Those men don’t just want six-packs; they want Hell-packs.

If you want a six-pack from Hell, you must first concentrate your efforts. If a weightlifter desired a really big, muscular chest quickly, he wouldn’t distribute his efforts among a dozen exercises and execute them lightly all day. No, he’d select one exercise, most likely the bench press, and focus only on becoming stronger and stronger on that lift until he was monstrously powerful. When he got to this point and his pecs were big slabs of flesh, he may start shaping them with lesser workouts and greater repetitions.

It’s the same if you desire a mind-blowing midsection. Simply choose one exercise that targets all of the muscles in the midsection: hip flexors, abs, intercostals, and obliques, and then blast it.

The one exercise we will find is the finest midsection workout known to man, and it has been the most popular among soldiers, warriors, martial artists, and jail athletes since mankind began working out the leg raise.

You’ll learn ten distinct leg raise exercises, each one a bit more difficult than the last. Before going on to the next stage, you’ll discover how to get the most out of each of these strategies, each of these 10 processes. By the time you’ve completed all ten steps and are working with the final Master Step of the leg raise sequence, you’ll have a strong, athletic stomach, powerful hips, and a ribcage armored with dense muscle. You’ll have abs that would have made Bruce Lee jealous!

57-minute DVD with 82-page companion manual.

Volume 4 of Convict Conditioning: Advanced Bridging and Forging an Iron Spine
Paul “Coach” Wade shot the footage on Alcatraz.
Wade’s Convict Conditioning Volume 4: Advanced Bridging was totally and aptly shot on “The Rock.” Forging an Iron Spine bursts out of the cellblock to show you step-by-step how to go from the relative easiness of a Short Bridge to the spectacular “one-in-1,000” feat of the Stand-to-Stand Bridge. Ten successive steps will lead you to the mastery of this ultimate back workout.

This self-study course in ultimate survival strength includes extra content not found in Paul Wade’s original Convict Conditioning Book, as well as other critical training techniques that polish and expand on the original approach.

There is an 80-page handbook included.

Paul “Coach” Wade’s Convict Conditioning, Volume 5: Maximum Strength: The One-Arm Pull-up Series
Maximum Strength: Paul Wade’s Convict Conditioning Volume 5 The One-Arm Pullup Series emerges from the cellblock to teach you step-by-step how to go from the relative easiness of a Vertical Pull to the startling, one-in-1,000 achievement of the One-Arm Pull-Up. This ultimate workout for the upper back, steely, bulging biceps, and carved abs is taught in ten successive movements.

This self-paced course in ultimate survival strength includes extra information not found in Paul Wade’s original Convict Conditioning book, as well as other critical training techniques that polish and expand on the original approach.

59-minute DVD with 88-page companion manual.

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