Datu Dieter Knüttel – Modern Arnis – White Belt Program

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Datu Dieter Knüttel – Modern Arnis – White Belt Program


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Datu Dieter Knüttel – Modern Arnis – White Belt Program

1- The White Belt Program in Modern Arnis Runtime (in minutes): 57 ABANICO/Datu Dieter Knüttel is the producer. On this DVD, you will see: Basic footwork, Sinawalis in motion, how to strike with the stick accurately and efficiently, blocks and counters, Tapi-Tapi, Karanza, empty hand stike- and defense-techniques, easy drills and quickreleases from various positions, and much more. Datu Dieter Knüttel holds an M.A. in sports science and is the principal teacher for Modern Arnis in Germany as well as the European Modern Arnis Representative (1996-2001) of Professor Remy A.Presas.
Professor Remy Presas bestowed upon him the designation of DATU and the level of 6th Dan Modern Arnis in 1996.
In March 2003, he obtained his 7th Dan and Seniior Master status in Modern Arnis from the world’s top Modern Arnis players: Cristion Vasquez, 9th Dan, Rene Tongson, 8th Dan, Rodel Dagooc, 8th Dan, Jerry de La Cruz, 8th Dan, Victor Sanchez, 8th Dan, and Samuel Dulay, 7th Dan.
Dieter Knuettel has been active in Filipino Martial Arts since 1978, and he has been teaching Modern Arnis seminars all over Europe, Australia, the United States, Russia, and even the Philippines since 1983.
He is one of the world’s most experienced Modern Arnis Masters.
The shorter one is the intro/trailer, while the longer one is the instructional component of the DVD.

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