Dog Brothers – Krabi Krabong

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Dog Brothers – Krabi Krabong


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Dog Brothers – Krabi Krabong

Ajarn Arlan “Salty Dog” Sanford appears, aided by Mike “Dogzilla” Tibbitts.

One thing we like to say about Dog Brothers Martial Arts is that it is “a system of multiple styles.” While there is no one solution to all problems, we do want there to be a consistent inner logic to the many aspects in our curriculum—in short, a SYSTEM.

Krabi Krabong is a key component of our system. Muay Thai kickboxing is a ring sport that evolved from the Thai military armament system known as KK. KK is aggressive, primal, and power crazy, based on sword, double sword, staff, spear, mai sowks, and other weapons—perfect for DBMA! But there’s more to it than that; it fits into the DBMA’s internal logic.

Arlan “Salty Dog” Sanford, a co-founder of Dog Brothers, had significant training in Thailand at the world-renowned Buddaiswan Institute and is a certified “Ajarn” (equivalent to the Filipino word “Guro”) in KK. Ajarn Salty has put his KK abilities to the test in literally hundreds of Dog Brothers matches, producing outstanding warriors that have affected us all.

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