Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming – Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu Basic Training 1 & 2

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Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming – Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu Basic Training 1 & 2


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Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming – Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu Basic Training 1 & 2

This detailed training video delves into Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu (Kung Fu), one of China’s most famous martial art schools.
Dr. Yang gives a lecture in Course 1 describing the theory and history of Shaolin White Crane Gongfu, as well as basic stances, moves, and hand techniques.
Dr. Yang teaches and educates foundational Qigong exercises, Jin patterns, more basic motions, and hand methods in Course 2.
White Crane Qigong (Chi Kung) is a tried and true method for developing explosive combat force, also known as Jin.
Furthermore, Dr. Yang and senior students teach and show the first barehand form, Qi Xing Quan, as well as its martial applications.
It is widely acknowledged that Shaolin White Crane is the origin of Okinawan Karate and has had a significant effect on Japanese martial arts.
All martial artists may obtain a thorough understanding of empty-handed methods from this video.

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming will teach you the history of Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu. * Fundamental stances * Fundamental Qi Xing walking * Four Golden Points hand techniques * Repelling and covering exercise * Bridge Hands and its applications

Course 2: * Fundamental hopping and leaping * Major fundamental hand methods * Bridge Hands and their applications * Fundamental Qigong * Fundamental Jin patterns * Qi Xing Quan and its applications

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