Erik Paulson – CSW Student Level 1-10

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Erik Paulson – CSW Student Level 1-10


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Erik Paulson – CSW Student Level 1-10

Erik Paulson demonstrates the prerequisites for CSW Student Levels 1 – 5 in this 5-DVD set.
This series’ exercises, suggestions, and methods will provide you with a firm foundation in the CSW (Combat Submission Wrestling) system. Erik explains down the key drills and methods at each level, and as you progress through the course, he reviews and adds new material. Take out your notepad and pay great attention. Erik moves quickly! There are literally hundreds of drills and variants available here!

CSW Student Level 6 – 10 DVDs – These are the prerequisites for testing for Coach Level 2 with Sensei Erik Paulson. This is advanced submission material for students who are ready to progress in their martial arts adventure, and it builds on the foundation you established in Levels 1 – 5. Purple to Brown is the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu belt equivalent in Erik Paulson’s system.

Each DVD includes a curriculum overview that you may print and keep in your notebook.

To recover the outline, insert the DVD into your computer. Downloadable versions are also available.

The Butterfly Guard, X Guard, and Standing vs. Ground are all covered in Volume 6. There are seven major areas of attention, each having over 37 variants. Prepare for a genuine master lesson in submitting.
Long Range Butterfly Guard Entries
Guard Sweeps X Butterfly Guard Sweeps Leg Sweeps: Standing vs. Ground
Leg Attacks from Standing vs. Ground Flow of Information
Template for a Butterfly Guard

The Butterfly Guard, Active Guard, Open Guard, and Stretch Guard are all covered in Volume 7. There are six primary areas of concentration with several variants. Professional fighters and teachers exhibit a variety of assaults and passes.
The Butterfly Guard has left. Passes for Active Guards
Active Guard Assaults Introduction to the Open Guard
Sweeps of the Open Guard
Attacks by the Stretch Guard

The Half Guard, Side Half Guard, and Flat Half Guard are the subject of Volume 8. There are five primary areas of attention, each with more than 45 variants. Sweeps, Positions, Attacks, and Submissions Erik Paulson has released another another deluge of material.
Guard Positions on the Sides
Sweeps on the side half guard
Attacks from the side half guard
Sweeps with a flat half guard
Attacks with a flat half guard

The Open Guard, Knee / Shin on Belly, and North – South postures are covered in Volume 9. There is also a demonstration of the partner skills on the Motion Master. There are nine major areas of attention, with approximately 76 variants. Erik was on a roll in this segment, spewing an incredible quantity of knowledge. You will undoubtedly need to watch this several times.
Passes for Open Guards Knee / Shin Positions on the Belly
Drills for Motion Master Knee on Belly Flees
Belly Escapes shines Knee on Belly Assaults
Positions of the North and South Arms Escapes from North to South
Attacks from the North and South

Kesa Gatame (Head & Arm), Hon Kesa, Kuzure Kesa, Lockflows, and Chain Wrestling are all covered in Volume 10. (flowing from submission to submission). There are eight major areas of concentration with nearly 70 variants. Control and submit your opponent from the side, and discover how to do it here. Flow from one position to the next and from one submission to the next.
Positions at Kesa Gatame Hon Kesa Gatame Launches An Attack
Attacks by Kuzure Kesa Gatame
Hon Kesa Gatame Excursions
Kuzure Escapes by Kesa Gatame
Lockflows at Kuzure Kesa Gatame
Lockflows at Hon Kesa Gatame
Wrestling on a Chain

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