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Erle montaigue – Baguazhang Fighting Secrets of the Eight Trigram Palms
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Erle montaigue – Baguazhang Fighting Secrets of the Eight Trigram Palms
Product Information Baguazhang, which is closely connected to taijiquan, is one of the three great internal arts and, like its counterparts, may be used to kill as well as heal.
Within it is a succession of harsh, unrelenting blows delivered rapidly and ruthlessly to the body’s most lethal dim-mak places.
Erle Montaigue begins this book by introducing the original circular shape, replete with images of each pose and its practical use.
Following that, he demonstrates the linear or fighting form to explain the secrets of pulling an infinite number of battle applications from this difficult art.
This book will be an excellent addition to your training collection if you like the dual healing and martial properties of dim-mak and other internal arts.
Only for scholarly purposes.
Erle Montaigue was the first Westerner to be awarded the title of “Master” in taijiquan and dim-mak.
Erle was asked to learn with Liang Shih-kan, the leader and “keeper” of the now-extinct progenitor to taijiquan, the Wutan Shan System of Boxing, in 1995, becoming the only Westerner and one of just a few individuals to be taught the nine qi-disruptive methods.
He is the founder and president of the World Taiji Boxing Association (WTBA), which has schools in over 30 countries.
He is widely considered as one of the foremost teachers of internal martial arts, especially taijiquan.
Length of print: 141 pages Paladin Press is the publisher (1 July 1999)
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