Erle Montaigue – Dim-Mak Cornerstones

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Erle Montaigue – Dim-Mak Cornerstones


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Erle Montaigue – Dim-Mak Cornerstones

Contrary to common belief, dim mak’s original goal was not to train assassins. It was a rigorous study of the medicinal arts that included martial skills, and its ultimate objective was to cure rather than destroy. Here is an unfiltered, comprehensive study of dim mak as both a martial and a therapeutic art, as intended by the ancient Chinese masters. A historical overview of dim mak and Traditional Chinese Medicine is included, as well as discussions of the physiological mechanism and medical risks of acupoint strikes, an in-depth introduction to the traditional 36 Chamber training program used to teach dim mak, and detailed analyses of the medical and martial applications of each of the acupoints on the 12 main meridians. About The Writer Erle Montaigue was the first Westerner to get the title “Master” of taijiquan and dim-mak. Erle was asked to learn with Liang Shih-kan, the leader and “keeper” of the now-extinct progenitor to taijiquan, the Wutan Shan System of Boxing, in 1995, becoming the only Westerner and one of just a few individuals to be taught the nine qi-disruptive methods. He is the founder and president of the World Taiji Boxing Association (WTBA), which has schools in over 30 countries. He is widely considered as one of the foremost internal martial arts instructors in the world.
“The River Form” Volume 1 Level: Advanced Run Time: 60 minutes “Keys” that unlock your whole training. There are four major EARTH elements. Volume 2 of Dim-Mak Cornerstones “The Air/Sky Form” Advanced Run Time: 60 minutes “Keys” that unlock the entirety of your training. There are four major EARTH elements. Dim “The Valley Form” -Mak Cornerstones Volume 3 Advanced Run Time: 60 minutes “Keys” that unlock the entirety of your training. There are four major EARTH elements. Dim “The Mountain Form” -Mak Cornerstones Volume 4 Last Level: Advanced Run Time: 60 Minutes “Keys” that unlock the entirety of your training. There are four major EARTH elements. WAIT TIMES: iXLHFIE

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