Erle Montaigue MTG1 – Yang Cheng-fu Form

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Erle Montaigue MTG1 – Yang Cheng-fu Form


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Erle Montaigue MTG1 – Yang Cheng-fu Form

Yang Cheng-fu, Erle Montaigue’s first Tai Chi Chuan MTG1 DVD MTG1 Tai Chi is an abbreviation for Tai Chi Ch’uan.
It is an abbreviation for supreme ultimate fistor supreme ultimate boxing.
Tai Chi is both an excellent health and martial art.
The two are inextricably linked.
The Yin and Yang cannot be separated.
If you only do Tai Chi as a workout or health dance, you will miss out on a lot of the health advantages.
When you solely practice Tai Chi for self-defense, you lose some of the self-defense advantages since the healing aspects of Tai Chi are not included.
There are around 300 connecting moves that make one long flowing series of movements.
On a therapeutic level, it acts on the body’s 12 major and 8 additional acupuncture meridians.
It is a flow of life-giving energy (Chi).
It’s similar to electricity in that it bathes our inside organs in life-giving Chi; it’s the material that feeds and holds our cells together.
When we die, the electricity ceases to flow.
The cells dissolve and break apart.
Every action in Tai Chi stimulates Chi (energy) in one of the several organs via the various meridians.
Energy originates from the Tantien (Ming Men CV5), a chi storage area 3 inches below the navel (energy).
Simply lifting your arms or hands requires energy.
The Chinese devised a series of motions that activate themeridians in the same way as they would in a 24-hour period, with each organ activating at a certain time of day, such as the heart at 11am and 1pm and the smallintestines at 1pm and 3pm.
Tai Chi exercises simulate the activation of the chi across the meridians throughout a 24-hour period.
When you practice Tai Chi, you engage these meridians three times more in a 24-hour period.
Tai Chi is divided into thirds.

1.First third – Complete activation of Chi across the 12 acupuncture meridians as it would occur in a regular day (1 rotation through all the meridians).

2.Second third – Activation occurs once more.

3.Final third – Activation occurs once more.
You will receive three additional spins of active energy across the meridians.

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