Gabe Suarez – Advance Close Range Gunfighting

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Gabe Suarez – Advance Close Range Gunfighting


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Gabe Suarez – Advance Close Range Gunfighting


Gabe Suarez, the world’s most controversial trainer, demonstrated in Close Range Gunfighting that standard range training may lead to death. He demonstrated the fundamentals of breaking free from the range mentality. In doing so, he challenged the established quo like no one before him and altered the way gunfighting is taught in the United States.

He covers the rest of the content in Advanced Close Range Gunfighting. This fast-paced DVD, packed with full-speed concealed carry shooting action, will have you accomplishing things most people believe are impossible. Gabe discusses the advantages of Appendix Carry, Ambidextrous Gunfighting, Weapon Transfers and why you should know how to execute them, Enhanced Get Off The X Footwork, and the Elements of the Combative Technique of the Pistol. This DVD will take the art of gunfighting to the next level.


This is purely for informational purposes.

What viewers had to say:

“I’m going to write down some of my thoughts on the Advanced Close-Range Gunfighting DVD. First and foremost, I’d want to state that I have little to no official gun school instruction, and while I’m sure I have some awful shooting habits, I am blissfully devoid of any Modern Technique orthodoxy.

While I acknowledge this, I must also mention how much of Gabe’s content appears to be very natural and just solid common sense, at least to me. Gabe’s command of the content, assurance in his delivery, and overall assurance all contribute to this impression. That being stated, I recognize that just absorbing and digesting the content does not imply that the offered skill sets have been gained. At times, at least at this stage in my learning curve, it appears intimidating, but as Gabe emphasizes in the opening, ‘.. It’s Possible If You Put In The Time..’

The talk begins with key subject that is frequently addressed at WT: the OODA loop, getting off the X, the Combat draw, and the Continuum of Fire from Pointed to Sighted Shooting. The DVD then moves on to the meatier parts of the lesson, which include Developing Ambidextrous Pistol Use and Learning and Incorporating the Pekiti Take Off into the Appendix Draw.

Gabe’s proficiency and quickness when executing these things is mind-boggling, as I stated in a prior article, and there were multiple moments when I simply thought ‘Holy @#$&! I never want to get into a shootout with that person….’ The live fire pekiti take off thing is incredible – Gabe is lightning fast.

Gabe then addresses Ready Positions and Defending from the Sul Position, both of which I found quite intriguing…..

To be honest, he just makes it look effortless.

The DVD concludes with a discussion on the difficulty of Corridors or being caught in the ‘Fatal Funnel,’ and how he makes the most of a terrible situation “.

Overall, I was impressed by the material’s simplicity and the fact that virtually all of the training can be completed with simply an airsoft pistol, a little amount of space, something to form an X, and a target. So there are no excuses. As I have stated, the information is both inspiring and intimidating…… Perhaps this is the beginning of knowledge.”

“Gabe, I bought the Advanced Close-Range Gunfighting DVD, which had life-changing instructional techniques. I found out about your stuff through signing up for your e-mail newsletter.

I’d taken numerous defensive handgun classes before, so I was prepared for what you had to teach. What I’ve learnt is excellent, but after writing down all of the processes I’ve been taught, I found there were some gaps in what I’d been told. Life isn’t fair, and a shootout will not be fair since everyone is fighting to survive.

I’ll be viewing this DVD several times to soak up some of the new information. As I approach the age of 70, I am not what you would call a spring bird. But I try to be in good physical and mental shape and on top of things as much as possible. And I welcome new survival approaches and methods.
I am also an NRA pistol teacher, and part of what they teach is garbage, as you pointed out in the DVD. But it is what it is, and I do my best to educate to the best of my abilities. However, your additional knowledge will keep you alive, whilst some of the other items will kill you while you strive to get in shape.
Thank you for the DVD; I will be purchasing more of your content shortly, but first I must record this fresh material.
Alabama’s TK Madison

“Hi Gabe,
I recently completed the Advanced Close Range Gunfighting DVD.
Your FMA footwork and Jim Keating’s bowie technique modifications make me wonder why I didn’t think of that. It flows beautifully for you, particularly with the appendix sketch. This year, I trained with Jim at Hell’s Canyon, so I’m familiar with the body movement. Working out with a handgun will be a unique experience.
I was curious about your appendix holster; what do you use? Where can I locate it? I’ve carried a J frame in that manner before, but I never imagined it would work with a Glock. When you do it, it appears feasible.
Is it a standard Glock 17 in the video? In the demonstrations, you had excellent split times.
Your forum students are correct about one thing: you’re going to make some “gun experts” howl with this one.
Best wishes,

“You’ve always taught the truth (for as long as I’ve been reading), and it’s always been measured against my professional experiences, so I know your words are accurate. In these days of post-9/11 ninja commando training schools with instructors who policed for approximately 6 months or worse trained at teacher so and so’s school who really has actual combat/trigger time, your words of wisdom are much appreciated. In reality, many of your training ideas have been implemented in my department by myself and other instructors who understand it.
Thank you for speaking the raw truth in these gilded days!

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