George Dillman – Preferred Pressure Point Techniques

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George Dillman – Preferred Pressure Point Techniques


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George Dillman – Preferred Pressure Point Techniques

GEORGE DILLMAN – FAVORITE PRESSURE POINTS TECHNIQUES This DVD was shot live in Prof.Ed Maley’s Tampa, Florida dojo, where Dillman and his pupils demonstrate popular techniques.
Six knockouts are included in this realistic self-defense video.
Duration: 60 minutes.
95 Professor Wally Jay: Master Dillman at his Best “Dillman has already done the legwork.
Pressure Point knockouts are simple to master!”
“Dillman DVDs are a necessity for every serious Martial Artist,” says Dan Inosanto.
“Dillman’s skills are the deadliest tactics I have ever seen,” says movie actor and Kung-Fu instructor Leo Fong.
DKI DVDs have been featured prominently in USA Today, the Denver Post, over 300 additional newspapers, and 35 major television shows.
George A. Dillman, a 9th degree black belt in Ryukyu Kempo Tomari-te, is a well-known martial artist in the United States.
When Dillman began competing in the early 1960s, he caught the attention of the martial arts press.
Dillman was characterized as “one of the winningest competitors karate has ever known” by Official Karate magazine in November 1982. Dillman was a four-time National Karate Champion (1969-1972) and was routinely listed among the top ten competitors in the country by major karate magazines throughout this time.
During his nine-year professional career, Dillman claimed a total of 327 prizes in fighting, forms, breaking and weaponry.
Dillman began serious martial arts training with Harry G. Smith in 1961.
He continued his education with Daniel K. Pai, Robert Trias, and Seiyu Oyata.
Dillman has always considered himself a student of the martial arts, never a master.
To that purpose, he and his pupils have gone throughout the country to meet and practice with renowned martial arts specialists.
Dillman’s martial arts abilities have won him extensive media notice in the United States as a result of his endurance.
He’s been on 35 different national television series, including Real People, Mike Douglas, PM Magazine, Evening Magazine, and NBC’s Sports Machine.
Dillman has also been in Ripley’s Believe It or Not five times and has been the topic of over 300 newspaper and magazine pieces.
Dillman is the only person known to have trained with both Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali throughout his three and a half years as a professional boxer.
Dillman was honored into the Berks County Sports Hall of Fame in May of 1988.
He was the first martial artist to be listed on the list.
Dillman now travels the world delivering seminars on pressure spots and tuite (grappling) concealed within traditional martial arts techniques.
His investigation and scientific deconstruction of the archaic forms has earned him the most acclaim.
Never one to back down from a fight, Dillman has unearthed a previously unknown depth of significance for kata motions and made it accessible to everybody.
He has co-written six books with Chris Thomas and developed a DVD teaching series on pressure points.
Kyusho-Jitsu: The Dillman Method of Pressure Point Fighting; Ryukyu Kempo Advanced Pressure Point Fighting; Tuite Advanced Pressure Point Grappling; Little Jay Learns Karate; and Humane Pressure Point Self-Defense.
The volumes have been described as “the classic martial arts texts of the century,” as well as “unrivaled among modern martial arts literature.” Dillman is the primary instructor for Dillman Karate International, a global organization with over 85 schools and almost 15,000 pupils.
He has trained under five Okinawan 10th degree black belts and is now extending his personal education through research, practice, and method sharing with Professor Wally Jay (Small Circle Jujitsu).).

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