Gracie – Women Empowered

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Gracie – Women Empowered

DVD is now available. Women Empowered is a complete self-defense curriculum for women that is built on tried-and-true verbal, physical, and psychological defensive tactics that have been tested and proven successful for almost two decades.
This 15-lesson program was previously only accessible at the Gracie Academy in Torrance, CA, but the full curriculum is now available on DVD, allowing you to finish the course from the comfort of your own home, with our personal teachers guiding and motivating you every step of the way.
Below is some important information that illustrates why Women Empowered is unlike any other women’s self-defense curriculum, as well as links to video samples of the training.
OUR WAY OF LIFE Self-defense begins long before the actual combat occurs.
A keen sense of awareness is your first and most crucial line of protection.
Women Empowered teaches you the most typical tactics employed by both strangers and non-stranger assailants, allowing you to prevent assaults before they occur.
However, regardless of how rigorously you practice awareness and avoidance skills, someone may breach your barriers and attack you.
You CAN and SHOULD defend yourself, regardless of your age or physical condition, and the Women Empowered program will provide you with the tools and courage to do so.
The Women Empowered curriculum is unique in that it works for all women and is the only self-defense program that discusses what to do at all four stages of a sexual attack.
We determined that virtually all sexual attacks follow the same four-phase technique through interaction with law enforcement officers and complaints made by survivors: 1) Find an unwitting victim, 2) subdue the victim, 3) exhaust the victim, and 4) carry out the sexual attack.
The following is a full analysis of each of the Four Phases of Sexual Assault, as well as the Women Empowered survival methods that can be used throughout each phase: Phase 1: Locate an Unsuspecting Target Stranger assaults rely primarily on the element of surprise.
This necessitates them approaching their objective undetected.
As a result, they target possible victims who are preoccupied, inattentive, physically weak, and/or frightened, and they choose settings where they may attack swiftly and out of sight of potential rescuers.
Phase 1 concludes when the predator has chosen a target.
—-Phase 1 Survival Techniques
—- Increased awareness is the most crucial Phase 1 protective approach.
Develop the practice of monitoring your surroundings continuously, making direct eye contact with others around you, and keeping an attentive posture.
These routines will provide the impression of confidence and preparedness, which will dissuade possible assailants from attacking you.
We teach you a series of critical safety techniques and awareness concepts in the Women Empowered program to lessen your vulnerability by decreasing possibilities for the predator to surprise you.
Subdue the Target in Phase 2 The predator will try to subjugate the victim once it is within striking distance.
The second phase begins with the initial interaction.
Contact can range in kind and degree from coercive rhetoric to physical assault.
To evaluate resistance, the predator may verbally threaten or grasp the subject.
More often than not, a stranger will use overwhelming force to overpower the target and then take the victim to a remote location.
Phase 2 concludes when the predator takes complete control and pushes the prey to the ground.
—-Phase 2 Survival Techniques—- All steps taken during Phase 2 survival prevent the sexual predator from taking physical control.
We teach you how to avoid the most frequent assaults in the Women Empowered program, including as wrist grabs, hair grabs, chokes, bear hugs, and so on, as well as how to utilize verbal assertiveness methods to create boundaries prior to physical contact.
If the predator seizes possession of you, try to stay upright and prevent abduction at all costs.
The predator cannot progress to Phase 3 if he cannot bring you to the ground or remove you from public view.
Phase 3: Deplete the Target After the predator has subdued the target, phase 3 begins.
By pinning the victim to the ground or assaulting them, the predator will attempt to physically and mentally “destroy” the victim’s will to resist.
In Phase 3, the predator anticipates that the lady would panic and struggle desperately to escape.
This action accelerates weariness and increases the predator’s desire to control and dominate the prey.
He understands that a victim who is dejected and weary is more likely to surrender to sexual assault.
Phase 3 concludes when the predator feels the prey has succumbed psychologically and physically.
—-Phase 3 Survival Techniques—- Your major goal in Phase 3 is to flee and escape.
When caught underneath them at this point of the attack, most other women’s self-defense schools train their pupils to panic, flail about, and strike at their captor.
We propose these explosive answers in Phase 2 because they can be quite effective when the predator is attempting to subjugate you.
Once the predator has pinned you to the ground in Phase 3, however, this sort of behavior is exceedingly dangerous since it swiftly depletes your energy and saps your desire to fight.
Avoiding panic, conserving energy, and escaping using a leverage-based approach when the opportunity arises are the keys to survival during this period.
Although there are thousands of women’s self-defense classes that teach effective tactics for Phase 1 and Phase 2 survival, the Women Empowered curriculum is unique in its capacity to prepare women through Phases 3 and 4.
Phase 4: Carry out the Sexual Assault Phase 4 begins when the predator attempts to rape the victim and finishes after the crime is completed.
To keep control throughout this phase, the assailant will depend on the target’s tiredness, demoralization, and terror.
—-Survival Strategies for Phase 4—- If you are unable to escape during Phase 3, a “false surrender” declaring that you can or will no longer resist may open up new possibilities.
We teach you how to utilize verbal and physical clues to persuade your assailant that you would comply by saying things like “I give up,” “Please don’t hurt me,” and “I’ll do whatever you want” in the Women Empowered program. When the assailant moves from physically detaining you to preparing for the Phase 4 assault, you will have the opportunity to use numerous Women Empowered strategies that will aid in your escape or render the predator incapacitated.
It is quite tough to feign surrender.
In fact, it takes the same amount of dedication as the physical tactics taught in the Women Empowered classes.
In conclusion Your ability to adapt your survival plan to each phase of the assault is critical.
It’s worth noting that the strategies you’ll use and your perspective will shift considerably as you progress through the phases.
If you choose the wrong method, your activities may be ineffectual or even harmful.
Use your increased awareness to lower your chances of being targeted, but master the tactics and ideas provided in the Women Empowered curriculum to ensure you have a practical and dependable response plan if you are assaulted.

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