Hoa Newens – Aikido Curriculum Volumes 2

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Hoa Newens – Aikido Curriculum Volumes 2


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Hoa Newens – Aikido Curriculum Volumes 2


Hoa Newens has put up a systematic method to Takemusu Aikido.

Newens is a disciple of the late Saito Sensei, who studied with the originator of Aikido on a regular basis for almost twenty years.

Aikido is made up of three Japanese characters (Kanji): AI means to join or harmonize; KI means spirit or energy; and DO means route or path. The last character is crucial in that it signifies a life path or philosophy. This distinguishes Aikido from jutsu, or technique systems. Unlike many Japanese combat arts (such as Karate and Jujutsu), Aikido focuses on the flow of ki (chi in Chinese). All of Aikido’s techniques and exercises are designed to teach the practitioner how to maximize the flow of Ki and use this internal force. Many breathing and ki flow techniques are used in Aikido. Techniques are only learning tools; eventually, the fundamental techniques taught are intended to convey the underlying concepts of Aikido. Takemusu Aikido was regarded as the highest style of Aikido by the Founder. Takemusu is made up of two Japanese characters: Take (Bu) = Martial and Musu = Born. These two characters combine to indicate to martial action that is formed spontaneously, without conscious thinking, resulting in a pure Aikido technique. This is the ultimate goal. It is a free-flowing movement that integrates so completely with an assailant or attackers that the issue is settled without confrontation and, in certain cases, without injury. Takemusu Aikido employs the bokken and jo. These weapons, however, are employed in practices to cultivate centeredness and the right flow of energy through extension and focus. The weapons system is taught as an assistance to developing good ki and kokyu (breath force); the weapons are a supplement to open-hand aikido training and general ki development. Takemusu The emphasis of these DVDs is on the form of aikido taught by Hoa Newens. Aikido, like some internal Chinese martial arts (particularly Bagua), stresses stillness while in motion, circular motions, harmonizing rather than clashing with opponents, and a totally relaxed and supple mind and body. It’s a powerful meditation. Volumes 1-7 of Hoa Newens’ Aikido Curriculum Hoa Newens recounts his 38 years of Aikido expertise in this series, with a focus on Morihiro Saito’s teachings. Aikido Curriculum, which builds on the mammoth work of his late instructor, delivers a broad repertory of techniques in the most practical method for trainees to apply. Aikido Curriculum 1 Volume 2 comprises the following chapters on Aiki Ken: • Introduction • Fundamentals • Jo Suburi • Jo Kata • Jo Awase • Kumi jo • Linked Kumi jo • 13 Jo Kata • 31 Jo Kata • Ken tai jo • Embu 3rd Aikido Curriculum

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