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Inayan Dequerdas – Inayan Sinawali
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Inayan Dequerdas – Inayan Sinawali
Inayan Sinawali is a double stick training technique in Filipino martial arts.
It employs a variety of hitting patterns to help students gain skill with dual weapons.
This is one of the most entertaining and easy to learn Filipino martial arts, but it is tough to master. It is often renowned for its quick “weaving” (hence the name Sinawali) of striking patterns when the students interact with each other.
The basic Inayan Sinawali Drills, 2 count through 9 count, will be demonstrated on this tape.
Offside 5 – 7 count Sinawalis will be demonstrated, as will fundamental loading (chambering) positions.
Sinawali training aids in the development of eye-hand coordination, timing, footwork, rhythm, focus, sensitivity, fluidity, concentration, and hand/wrist flexibility.
The following ideas will be displayed and discussed to help you better grasp Sinawali style: matching, mirror, redondo, reverse redondo, complimentary, transposing, chasing, chaining, and mirror chaining.
All methods and drills are demonstrated slowly, quickly, and from various angles so that they may be seen clearly.
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