Jason C. Brown and Zach Even-Esh – Kettlebell Training for Combat Athletes

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Jason C. Brown and Zach Even-Esh – Kettlebell Training for Combat Athletes


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Jason C. Brown and Zach Even-Esh – Kettlebell Training for Combat Athletes

“Whether You’re a Combat Athlete, a Police Officer or a Soldier, You’re Strength and Conditioning Can Make the Difference Between Life and Death…
Winning and Losing.
“Dear Fellow Combat Athlete,Did you know that all things being equal, the stronger, more conditioned combat athlete always wins ?If not, this might be one of the most important letters you’ll ever read!Because on the following pages I’m going to show you exactly how anyone can sky-rocket their strength, power and endurance beyond your imagination.
Even better, if you’ve already been training with kettlebells…
We’ll demonstrate step-by-step how you can increase your strength, speed and stamina by 200%…
300% or even 400%— simply by following our simple but indisputable kettlebell training system for combat sports, that we’ve used time and time again to create unstoppable combat athletes, police officers and other hard living SOBs.
On this page we’re gonna show you exactly …
⇒ How to design the perfect kettlebell training program for you, the combat sports athlete.
⇒ How to create killer kettlebell combinations and complexes for endurance, strength and coordination that will be the envy of your teamates and competition!⇒ How to create super-potent kettlebell training workouts that produce results in as little as 4 to 6 minutes.
Once you experience these workouts you’ll never go back!Now, I know you’re probably skeptical.
That’s healthy and natural.
But if you take the time to soak in and apply what we’re about to share with you, we guarantee that you’ll be armed with the most potent kettlebell strength and conditioning information that you need to be victorious on the mat, in combat or on the street.
OK, let’s get started…
“In the Real World…
Slow, Weak and Fragile = Lights Out…
For Good.
“This is the same exact kettlebell conditioning system that we’ve taught to hundreds of combat sport athletes, police officers and other tough individuals that have used it to reach greater levels of strength, endurance and stamina than they ever imagined was possible…
And it’s the same exact kettlebell training system that our more advanced combat sport athletes used to become undefeated state champions in just a few months…
⇒ How to plug single and double kettlebell exercises into your training – this information will provide you with the solid foundation you need to train safely and successfully!⇒ What exactly Loaded Conditioning is – and how to use it for your benefit combat sports performance.
⇒ Discover how to use the techniques that have been proven to create power and explosiveness within seconds…
you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to gain power and speed!⇒ 5 Keys to remember when using kettlebells and bands- keep these tips in mind and your safelt is practically guaranteed.
And much much more…

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