Jerry Alan Johnson – Vol 1 to 6 – Pa Kua Chang

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Jerry Alan Johnson – Vol 1 to 6 – Pa Kua Chang


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Jerry Alan Johnson – Vol 1 to 6 – Pa Kua Chang

Each trigram is evolved into its own distinct animal form for self-defense and healing in the Eight Animal School of Pa Kua Chang Vol. 1. This style of Eight Animal Pa Kua Chang is from the Sun Lu-tang school. Pa Kua Exercises, Standing Meditation, Circle Training, and Sun Lu-Eight Tang’s Animal Pa Kua Set with self-defense application and Pa Kua Push Hands Sets.

Vol. 2 of The Original Form of Pa Kua Chang: The fundamental concepts are those of Walking the Circle, which employs the elusive footwork that allows a practitioner to circle behind his opponent. This particular form is from the Chiang-Jung Ch’iao school. It includes Advanced Pa Kua Exercises, Chiang Jun Ch’iao’s Original Pa Kua Set, and self-defense applications. Sets of advanced Pa Kua Push Hands and more.

Vol. 3 of Pa Kua Chang: The Eight Circular Pa Kua Staff The staff is frequently the first long weapon that pupils learn in most Pa Kua schools. Working with the staff allows the learner to strengthen his arms and wrists while also improving body coordination. The Northern Yang Pa Kua Staff and the Southern Pa Kua Staff are the two divisions of the Pa Kua Staff training.

Vol. 4 of Pa Kua Chang: The Eight Circular Pa Kua Broadswords When “playing” the Pa Kua Tao, it is believed that one must adopt the qualities, attitude, and fierceness of a tiger, which is Yang, and the flexibility, speed, and coiling of a dragon, which is Yin. The Pa Kua Broadsword’s fluidity and consistency are seen in all aspects of attaching and defending.

Pa Kua Chang’s Dragon School Vol. 5: The Dragon forms of Pa Kua Chang are the most popular of all the Pa Kua schools. One is hypnotized by the rapid whipping of the body and coiling of the hands. This video includes two Pa Kua Dragon Shape Forms, Cheng Yu-Yin Lung’s Dragon Form and Ch’en Pan-Yang Ling’s Dragon Form, as well as Linking Sets, self defense applications, and exercises.

Pa Kua Chang’s Fighting Techniques Vol. 6: Pa Kua Fighting Theory, Joint Locking Techniques, Throws, Sweeps, Pressure Point Paralyzing Techniques, and sixty-four configuration Eight Animal Boxing are all included in this volume. This is an educational movie meant to teach Pa Kua Practitioners how to use their Pa Kua System efficiently in all sorts of combat scenarios.

About the teacher:

Dr. Johnson is one of the world’s few globally acknowledged Non-Chinese Internal Martial Arts Grand Masters, Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors, and Esoteric Daoist Mystic Professors. He is also regarded as America’s foremost authority on Medical Qigong Therapy in both China and the West.

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