Jissen Kobudo Fundamentals (Jinenkan Bujutsu & Ninjutsu) Vol.2

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Jissen Kobudo Fundamentals (Jinenkan Bujutsu & Ninjutsu) Vol.2


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Jissen Kobudo Fundamentals (Jinenkan Bujutsu & Ninjutsu) Vol.2

VOLUME II OF THE DVD TORITE is the second installment of a four-part DVD package professionally mixed and produced by Adam Mitchell, Dojo Cho of New York’s Jinenkan Yasuragi Dojo.
This volume will teach students to the escape, counter, and come-along tactics.
Volume II is a fast-paced DVD that provides an overwhelming amount of precise, step-by-step material for stand-up grappling and reversal techniques.
Each method is described in great depth, including high-quality narration, several viewpoints of the technique, and slow motion replays.
Traditional training patterns, grip breaks, body choke breaks, and a demonstration of how these techniques are used in classical forms are among the topics covered.

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