Joint Locks by Rory Miller

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Joint Locks by Rory Miller


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Joint Locks by Rory Miller

How to Improvise Joint Locks Under Stress
Joint locks are commonly recognized as one of the most versatile physical instruments, capable of moving, immobilizing, submitting, or seriously injuring a danger. They are also rightfully recognized as one of the most difficult martial arts abilities to put into practice in real life.
Rory Miller argues in this video that the issue is not with the locks themselves, but with our teaching techniques. A principles-based method enables novices to improve joint locking after one hour of training, something that many older systems have failed to accomplish in hundreds of hours.
Joint locks are NOT key methods of self-defense. If you are in a situation that demands self-defense, you are justified in using more force. If your employment demands you to handle violent individuals with little injury, you must be skilled at joint locks and be able to improvise them under duress.
– Introduction – Principles
– Ball and Socket Joints – Hinge Joints
– Fingers – Gliding Joints
– Review of Principles – Lock Flow Drill
– Breaking Locks
– In conclusion
Rory Miller worked as an officer and sergeant in prisons for seventeen years, working in maximum security, booking, and mental health; directing a tactical team; and teaching courses ranging from Defensive Tactics and Use of Force to First Aid and Crisis Communications with the Mentally Ill.
— 52 min – MP4 (DVD Rip)

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