Kapap – Combat Concepts

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Kapap – Combat Concepts


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Kapap – Combat Concepts

The Kapap Combat Concepts: Martial Arts of the Israeli Special Forces Book+DVD Combo Set comprises Avi Nardia’s book and the Kapap Combat Concepts 4-DVD Set, both written by Avi Nardia, Albert Timen, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu special consultant John Machado.
Kapap Combat Concepts: Israeli Special Forces Martial Arts (book)
350+ color images of battle protocols are among the topics covered.
original kapap combat theories
Principles of posture and mobility for real-world conflict applications
Multiple-defensive reaction training and kapap approaches
Combat conditioning workouts based on reality
basic knife exercises and hitting techniques
This book, which includes grappling tactics from Brazilian jiu-jitsu special consultant John Machado, will assist readers of all levels in creating a personalized defense for every eventuality.

Volume 1 of Kapap Combat Concepts: Principles and Conditioning (DVD)

Topics covered include:

the fundamentals of push-pull and kapap methods

T-shape manipulations

linear versus circular assault

demonstrate how to defend against edged-weapon assaults

Targeting sensory points and the brain using the notion of relative location

the high-low assault principlemental and physical battle training

Running time: around 52 minutes

Volume 2 of Kapap Combat Concepts: Holds and Third-Party Protection (DVD)

Topics covered include: third-party protection

VIP security with two- and three-man exercises

“The Mask” and “The Nailing Technique” grasp and release to escape front and back bear hugs

Running time: around 42 minutes

Volume 3 of Kapap Combat Concepts: Weapons, Skills, and Defenses (DVD)

Topics include: gun-disarmament principles Weapon-retention system S.P.E.C. fatal flaws in knife defense shared kapap and Philippine martial arts fundamentals countering seven assault angles weapon with medium and long range learning the karambitempty-hand fighting against an attacker Running time: around 100 minutes

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Applications in Kapap Combat Concepts Volume 4 (DVD)

The following topics are covered: relative positionattacking sensory points

third-party protectionholds and releases bodily conditioning for combat

Gun disarming ideas were shared with Philippine martial arts and Brazilian jiu-jitsu training for multiple-opponent attacks.

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