Keysi Fighting Method

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Keysi Fighting Method


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Keysi Fighting Method

I’m still not sure if this is pure genius or utter nonsense.
In March, I’ll attend a seminar in Italy to evaluate if it’s worthwhile.
It’s also worth a look because if someone strikes you with a very weird stance, you’ll be able to distinguish this technique.
It was used in the film Batman Begins, and here is an example:

This is taken from the website:

KFM is NOT a form of martial arts.
It was born on the streets of Spanish gypsy background, not in the ‘dojo,’ and it was recreated there.
It has evolved, developed, and matured on the streets, and the KFM Instructor Development Program is now a direct result of real-world events, experiences, and years of research.
KFM is a fantastic multifaceted voyage into the world of self-discovery.

Because KFM was founded in the 1950s, ancient and primitive traditions no longer tie it, nor do they limit the never-ending process of progress.
To fully grow and develop as humans, we must first break free from all previous conditioning.

Learning is not accumulative, thus we cannot retain it like we can knowledge. Learning happens on a daily basis, and once we’ve ‘learned’ something, it becomes Knowledge, which is now obsolete.
KFM is an art form dedicated to the study and examination of modern-day street survival.
It is always evolving, never standing still, and is fueled by inquiry and investigation.

If you want to genuinely absorb the spirit of KFM, you must allow yourself to expand and grow on a regular basis. KFM lives in the blood, not in a collection of methods.

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