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Kodokan Judo DVD Series 1 – 5 + Extras
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Kodokan Judo DVD Series 1 – 5 + Extras
Parts 1-5 of the Kodokan Judo Series DVDs are included, as well as some bonus VHS rips.
DVD Kodokan DVD of Ju No Kata In l887, the Ju-no-Kata was developed as one of the Kata of Kodokan judo.
The moderate exercises are intended to teach the foundations of attack and defense and will make learning the principles and movements of judo much simpler.
They are also a good source of physical education.
DVD Kodokan Katame No Kata
The “Katame-no-Kata” were formed in 1884 and 1885, after the “Nage-no-Kata.”
They are made up of five sample techniques from the Osaekomi-waza, Shime-waza, and Kansetsu-waza, with the goal of mastering the theoretical foundation for performing and dodging each method.
DVD Kodokan Kime No Kata
The Kime-no-Kata was founded in 1888 to study assault and defense.
However, when people’s lifestyles changed, it became essential to develop a new set of kata that were more relevant to the times.
As a result, the Kodokan produced Goshin Jutsu in 1956, a collection of 21 self-defense methods separated into two categories: Toshu or Against Unarmed Attack and Buki – Against Armed Attack.
DVD Kodokan Nage No Kata
The Nage-no-Kata were established to assist in understanding the theoretical basis of judo and learning the processes involved in “Kuzushi,” “Tsukuri,” and “Kake,” or how to assume the correct position for applying a throwing, techniques once your opponent’s balance has been broken, and how to apply and complete a technique.
The Kata includes 15 throwing methods, three from each of the five categories: Te-waza, Koshi-waza, Ashi-waza, Masutemi-waza, and Yokosutemi-waza.
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