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Koji Komuro Judo Katame Waza Grappling Training Methods 3 DVD Set
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Koji Komuro Judo Katame Waza Grappling Training Methods 3 DVD Set
DVD Samurai Spirit Judo presents an overview of traditional Judo. Nicholas Pettas tried to find the true spirit of Samurai in this martial art. Familiar with most people as an Olympic sport. However, the film opens us up to many things.
There is no difference in weight and height. In Judo there are only 3 principles:
– Kuzushi: Unbalance
– Tsukuri: The exact position for throwing
– Kake: Make a throw
The main purpose is the only main is to have Ippon. So what is Ippon? And how important is it?
Ippon profile:
Ippon is the absolute victory. This means. When you have Ippon, the opponent will completely obey you. You are now the new owner of the defeated. Judo is derived from Samurai Judo. In Samurai, victory is killing his enemies. Judo today inherits almost all Samurai but the only thing is that instead of killing the enemy, the winner will only take Ippon.
Nicholas Pettas acted as an MC on this DVD, working with top judo masters in Japan. Therefore, in this movie will help viewers understand the true meaning of Judo and Samurai spirit in Judo. Besides, we will also learn many great techniques from Japanese martial arts masters such as:
Kazuo Yoshimura: Coach of Japanese Judo team.
Emi Yamagishi (legend of the third dan): With a very modest size, shows a typical example on the principles of Judo.
Michiyoshi Ae: University of Tsukuba Professor.
Kosei Inoue: Three-time world champion of Judo.
Basic Exercises
-Ebi (Shrimp)
-Gyaku Ebi (Reverse Shrimp)
-Yoko Ebi (Side Shrimp)
-Koshi-Kiri (Hip Switch)
-Suri-Ashi (Sliding Steps)
-Tokage (Lizard)
-Dakko Fukkin (Body Scissors Sit-ups)
-Dakko Kaiten (Body Lock Rotation)
-Switch Back
-Hikouki & Hikouki Back
-Forward Roll between the Legs
-Osaekomi Uchikomi using Koshi-Kiri
-Cross Step Pass from a Standing Position
-Pascal Juji-Gatame Uchikomi
-Juji-Gatame Uchikomi from the Hikikomi Position
-1Uchikomi : Yoko-Shiho-Gatame #1
-Uchikomi : Yoko-Shiho-Gatame #2
-How to get your leg out of Niju-Garami
-Osaekomi Transitions
-Osaekomi Transitions: Detailed Explanations
Favorite Techniques
-Transitions from Tachiwaza into Newaza
-Switch Back
-Katate-Jime from a Standing Position
-Tomoe-Nage #1
-Tomoe-Nage #2 : Yoko Tomoe
-Tomoe-Nage #3 : with both legs
-Tomoe-Nage #4 :Combination with Kosoto-Gake
-Sukui-Nage & Sode-Guruma-Jime
Compilation of matches
Language: Japanese with English & French subtitles
Run time: 120 min.
Osaekomi Waza(Hold down)
-Yoko Gaeshi(Side Rversal)
-Yoko-Gaeshi from the Hikikomi Position
-Sumi-Gaeshi as Practice for Yoko-Gaeshi
-Hara-Zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Osaekomi using the Opponent’s Gi #1
-Hara-zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Osaekomi using the Opponent’s Gi #2
-Hara-Zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Transition into Sankaku-Jime
-Hara-Zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Osaekomi from Obi-Tori-Gaeshi
-Hara-Zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Osaekomi using the Opponent’s Collar
-Kasuga Lock
-Kasuga Lock _ Variation #1
-Kasuga Lock _ Variation #2
-Kasuga Lock _ Variation #3
-Transition : Kasuga-Lock~Ashi-Gatame
-Transition: Kasuga-Lock ~Juji-Gatame
-Kasuga Lock from Standing Positions
-Roll-Over Ushiro-Kesa-Gatame #1
-Roll-Over Ushiro-Kesa-Gatame #2
-Defences against Roll-Over Ushiro-Kesa-Gatame
-Sankaku-Jime on the Opponent’s Legs
Compilation of matches
Language: Japanese with English & French subtitles
Run time: 103 min.
Osaekomi Waza(Hold down)
-Yoko Gaeshi(Side Rversal)
-Yoko-Gaeshi from the Hikikomi Position
-Sumi-Gaeshi as Practice for Yoko-Gaeshi
-Hara-Zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Osaekomi using the Opponent’s Gi #1
-Hara-zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Osaekomi using the Opponent’s Gi #2
-Hara-Zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Transition into Sankaku-Jime
-Hara-Zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Osaekomi from Obi-Tori-Gaeshi
-Hara-Zutsumi (Stomach Wrap) : Osaekomi using the Opponent’s Collar
-Kasuga Lock
-Kasuga Lock _ Variation #1
-Kasuga Lock _ Variation #2
-Kasuga Lock _ Variation #3
-Transition : Kasuga-Lock~Ashi-Gatame
-Transition: Kasuga-Lock ~Juji-Gatame
-Kasuga Lock from Standing Positions
-Roll-Over Ushiro-Kesa-Gatame #1
-Roll-Over Ushiro-Kesa-Gatame #2
-Defences against Roll-Over Ushiro-Kesa-Gatame
-Sankaku-Jime on the Opponent’s Legs
Compilation of matches
Language: Japanese with English & French subtitles
Run time: 100 min.
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