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Lee Morrison – Fight Back RESEED
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Lee Morrison – Fight Back RESEED
I hope this helps the guys with the group buy because you can now remove Fight Back from the list and save some money.
This set’s description from the UC website is as follows:
“This 3-hour training session teaches the participant all they need to know to improve their personal Self-Protection and Personal Security skills.
Topics covered include: Drills and awareness and observation skills Attitude and Mindset Hardening Making a Self-Defense Game Plan Basic Hard Skill Strikes and Situational Control of Proxemics Weapons Combination Ballistic Attacks Understanding the Law and Pre-Emption The Use of Deception Artifice Controlled Explosive Aggression Vehemence Situational Combative Techniques Dealing with Unarmed Attacks on a Daily Basis Multiple Assailants Understanding Fear and the Effects of Adrenal Stress Outdoor ScenariosUnderstanding Fear and the Effects of Adrenal Stress The Opportunist Mugger is depicted. Mugging Mobile Phone Crime ATM Territorial Vehicle-Involved Crimes Confined Spaces Using Your Environment Improvised Weapons”
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