Lee Morrison – On the Sharp Edge

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Lee Morrison – On the Sharp Edge


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Lee Morrison – On the Sharp Edge

Okay, folks, here’s another knife and RBSD related one to aid with the Martial Arts and RBSD demand on this community.
Because it appears that you enjoy Lee M’s work, I felt the Sharp Edge might be useful. According to the UC website: “This three-disc, three-hour curriculum is intended to augment and expand a student’s knowledge of effective combative teaching.
We recognize that no single approach has all of the solutions for dealing with the knife danger from an unarmed standpoint.
Some of the material accessible, while improving over time, nevertheless ranges from ways that would be literally suicidal to undertake to some gradually viable notions.
This program’s goal is to first educate, then introduce and apply some of the author’s most practical concepts.
Such an opinion is founded on 25 years of training, study, and pressure testing, as well as the foundational experience garnered through the accumulation of live edged weapon situations in which I have participated.
This contains lessons learnt from both the things I did correctly and, more significantly, the things I did incorrectly.
Take whatever you can from this, but most importantly, remember that knife violence is growing more common in everyday life.
If the UK was not already a knife-carrying culture, it is quickly becoming one.
Learn more!
The First Disc: Introduction Factors Contributing to Blade-Related Incidents Blade Weapon Definition Bladed Article Display The Effects of a Knife Attack Concealment, Access, and Deployment is a Knifer’s M.O. Actual Knife Attacks on CCTV – Used as a Teaching Tool Recognizing Body Language Cues Stopping the Threat Before the Knife Is OutDisc Two: What Are Our Options Now That the Knife Is Out? Models of Training and Teaching Principles of the Counter-Knife Inappropriate Blade Use From street bastardizations to advanced knife techniques, Options for Counter Knife Progressions, Debate, and Demonstration Cover, Crash, and Counters for Slashing and Thrusting Attacks on Disc Three: Offensive Counter Tools UC Footage from a Counter-Knife Workshop Dealing With Retraction and Continuous Attack Into Non-Compliance Domains Training for Dynamic Scenarios Static Knife Hold-Up Threat Worst-Case Scenario Ambush! Mental Conditioning and Mindset Emergency Medical Services on the Scene A Professional Opinion Summary of Visualization and Crisis Rehearsal”

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