Leung Sau-Chung – Lohan Kuen (chi)

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Leung Sau-Chung – Lohan Kuen (chi)


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Leung Sau-Chung – Lohan Kuen (chi)

Kuen Lohan Language:Chinese Those who are familiar with martial arts such as Karate and Kenpo would like this series.
It demonstrates the structure and motion of powerful, flowing F ukien Southern style movements.
There is little question that Fukien Area was a key inspiration for the creation of what we now name “Karate.”
This branch of Southern Shaolin is known as Luo Han (LoHan), which means Buddha’s disciple.
Luo Han is another code term.
It nearly often refers to forceful, direct techniques that may be considered the origin of Shaolin as a particular style.
Luo Han is described as “proto-Shaolin.”
This is true of this quick, forceful, and no-nonsense manner.
The city of San Zhen (Three Rectitudes) Applications & Form Form Form of Sei Mun (Four Gates) This cross-shaped form features intricate hand exchanges and angular assaults.
There is very little kicking, although there are certain maneuvers aimed towards someone on the ground.
Dragons Head Fist, Tiger Claws, and other Southern-style techniques are demonstrated.
Small hand circle with a lot of cutting and threading movements.
Applications are shown.
Sup Gee Sei (Fourteen Words)

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