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Loren W. Christensen- Restraint and Control Strategies
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Loren W. Christensen- Restraint and Control Strategies
Restraint and Control Strategies by Loren W.Christensen This is mostly intended for cops, bouncers, and security personnel who cannot afford to simply break some guy’s skull in if there is problems.
This is about hard and effect takedowns, as well as how to harm someone without causing substantial (lawsuit-worthy) lasting damage to them.
Still, this is a take-down and wrap-up course, not an all-encompassing combat method.
Remember that when you watch these DVDs.
Loren was a cop for over three decades, so he understands what he’s talking about when it comes to doing, and luckily teaching, techniques like this.
He’s old as crap (looks like a grandfather!) – but after you see him provide the training, you’ll realize his age is a blessing.
He has encyclopedic knowledge of how to manipulate the body to get it to comply.
When a take down stops from a joint lock, I enjoyed the instruction on how to move from a join lock to head control.
Too frequently, elaborate locks and holds do not function as well in practice as they do in books.
LOL! Anyone can see that with a little sparring! Understanding how to employ body mechanics and momentum, as well as the usage of the head, to accomplish the take down quickly and hard is really helpful information.
There are so many gems—like how to gaze at a guy (where to monitor his body) in a way that allows you to see any assault he could make while remaining neutral and non-aggressive…
Excellent work! That is also NOT watching his hands.
Loren explains why this isn’t as good…
This is worth seeing if you perform takedowns in the gym for sparring but are unsure how well you will be able to pull them off in real life.
There are some excellent suggestions here!
Copy for marketing:
Quote:RESTRAINT AND CONTROL STRATEGIESFor Law Enforcement ProfessionalsState-of-the-Art Defensive Tactics
Featuring Loren W. Christensen
“Christensen’s low-key, likeable approach gives the impression that he is educating me one on one.”
“His many years of teaching expertise are evident.
His teaching manner makes the information really simple to learn and follow.”
Loren Christensen has walked the “thin blue line” from the dirty streets of war-torn Saigon to the crime-ridden underbelly of Portland’s famed skid row. Christensen distills more than 44 years of martial arts training and 29 years of police enforcement expertise and defensive tactics training into a street-proven method that is quick, easy to learn, and legally defensible in this breakthrough DVD release from Paladin Press.
This DVD set is neither a fabricated system of new tactics or a new handcuffing method.
All approaches end in a position where you can utilize your existing handcuffing method.
It investigates the fundamental procedures taught in most police departments but “watered down” (weakened) over time.
Christensen demonstrates critical details for making the joint locks, holds, and takedowns you already know more effective, unpleasant, simpler to perform, safer for you, and, ultimately, safer for the suspect in order to decrease court claims.
Christensen points out frequent mistakes and then shows you several but slight options, demonstrating how altering a method by only one inch may substantially boost its efficiency.
It looks at a wide range of strategies, concepts, and principles that can be used to the perilous job of dealing with a resistant suspect.
You will learn: how to use the circle to take down even the most heinous offenders; striking techniques that maximize pain while minimizing injury; excruciating pressure points; how to use your knees to escape from tight spots; hair twisting techniques to affect painful control; the concept of balance; the power of leverage when pain does not work; and how to use secondary techniques and critical combative principles when your first technique fails.
Although intended for law enforcement personnel, this DVD is also a useful resource for any jujitsu or aikido practitioner looking to improve his joint-lock skills for street use.
That book is really handy and just plain fantastic! If you read it and drill on the movements in the book in your practice sessions, you’ll be a takedown badass.
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