Mario Roberto – BJJ Specialist Vol. 1

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Mario Roberto – BJJ Specialist Vol. 1


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Mario Roberto – BJJ Specialist Vol. 1

Mario Roberto is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a former professional fighter, and a full-time mixed martial arts teacher.
He routinely conducts seminars around the United States, guiding and motivating hundreds of students and combatants to achieve better levels of performance.
You may now benefit from his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu experience without ever leaving your house! In these groundbreaking SPECIALIST SERIES DVDs, Mario chose to reveal the secrets of his complex grappling game for the first time.
This series is designed so that you can instantly implement the contents of each issue into your ground game and see results! Are you bored of repeating the same basic procedures or scrolling through innumerable snippets of “filler” material? We are, too! Watch as Mario explains each and every move so that even a beginner may learn… These DVDs are jam-packed with no-holds-barred high-level education that is likely to blow your mind! Do not pass up this chance to learn from one of the top instructors around!

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