Mark Hatmaker – Clean Sweeps

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Mark Hatmaker – Clean Sweeps


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Mark Hatmaker – Clean Sweeps

Hello everyone, some hatmaker for all you grapplers and MMA fighters out there.
This one is difficult to come by.
Site Information for Paladin:
In this new Paladin Press video production, best-selling book and groundfighting expert Mark Hatmaker debunks the prevalent idea that the guard, also known as the bottom scissors, is a position of power and teaches you how to progress from the guard to the top game.
First, Hatmaker explains why you should constantly be on top of your opponent so that your blows have more force and your submissions have a better chance of succeeding.

From there, he teaches you over a hundred various tactics for breaking out of the guard position and turning the tables on your opponent, placing you on top and your opponent at a major disadvantage.

Hatmaker’s tutorial covers a wide range of techniques, from low sweeps to transition sweeps to high sweeps, providing you with ample information to keep your grappling game on top.

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