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Matt Wiggins – 4 Week Ass Kicking Blast
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Matt Wiggins – 4 Week Ass Kicking Blast
One of the most common inquiries I receive (which somewhat surprises me) is, “How can I be an ass kicker?” (Because who doesn’t like to beat up people?) LOL – it’s not like that… I’m not talking about becoming a boxer or a street thug.
(Though I *do* get queries about it…hmmmmm) Instead, people – especially you guys – want to be physical badasses.
You want to be strong, quick, and athletic, as well as slim, muscular, and “look fantastic nekkid.” the person who can literally run circles around others no matter where you are or what you’re doing, whether you’re on the court, field, or mat, helping a buddy move a couch, or simply performing simple chores NEVER gets weary At the same time, most of you are just BUSY.
Many of you have full-time jobs or are enrolled in school.
Others have children.
Some of you do things outside of your exercises (MMA, BJJ, mountain biking, etc.).
As a result, workouts cannot last indefinitely.
And if they could be done with little equipment, that would be even better.
What if I told you that with my new “4-Week Ass Kicking Blast,” you could do all of that…and more?
Really, the premise is rather basic.
See, I want to accomplish all of those things as well – and it’s how I construct my own programs.
And over the last six months, I’ve been tweaking a program that’s been doing some really amazing things in my personal training, so I said, “What the heck – why don’t I make it available to you guys?”=>
You can’t just start doing my current workout.
I didn’t even start my current workout straight away! LOL.
It took a lot of experimenting and playing about to get the exact mix that works.
And I was building up a work capacity to deal with these exercises along the road.
(In reality, my workout today included roughly 450 pushups and rowing over 7000 pounds.)
And that was only the beginning…)
So I took a step back and put created a path for you to get to “full blast” mode on your own.
Then I teach you how to either keep continuing (whether it’s a “4-Week Blast” or not — if you follow my instructions, you could perform this workout for the next six months) or end the four weeks with maximum efficacy.
PLEASE CLICK HERE LET’S GET TO WORK! Listen, most of you are already familiar with the type of shows I produce.
So, if I claim this is one of the greatest I’ve done, you can be confident that it is.
Did I mention it’s inexpensive? I saw “The Mechanic” with my family yesterday (can’t beat a good Statham action picture!).
I spent more money on beverages and snacks for my children than you will on this program.
What will you receive? A lot: the exercises (overview format) printable exercise logs Every workout has video materials. 30+ mins FAQ video the video’s mp3 You won’t find a better bargain than this, so click the link below and start kicking your *own* ass!=> CLICK HERE TO BE AN ASS KICKER(**REMEMBER – when the transaction is complete, click on the “Return to Merchant” button to obtain your files! **) Matt “Wiggy” Wiggins trains hard, rests hard, and plays hard.
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