Mittmaster Level 1 & 2

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Mittmaster Level 1 & 2


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Mittmaster Level 1 & 2

MITTMASTER LEVEL 1: CORE DRILLSMittmaster Level 1 covers the Mittmaster system’s core drills. Everything else is built on the foundation of these essential drills. If you want to get the most out of the Mittmaster system, this is where you should start. All of the drills in this package are required if you want to fully comprehend the Mittmaster method. The video includes the following: Numbering scheme Mittmaster’s one-of-a-kind numbering system for boxing, kickboxing, and MMA.

Drills in a chain. How to Effectively Chain the Basic Numbers

There are eight boxing combinations. Boxing combinations with a high success rate

Including the uppercut. How to Incorporate the Uppercut into Your Padwork

Drills with two trigger pads. Drills based on two pad locations for triggers

Variations on punching (jab, cross, hook & upper cut). Add modifications to the fundamental punches.

Kicking variants (front, round, side) Creating variations on fundamental kicking methods

Covers and counters Drills for blocking and countering

Slips and Rolls Practicing evasive head motions

Kickboxing drills on 2, 4, and 6 counts. How to Correctly Integrate Kicks and Punches—- LEVEL 2 MITTMASTER: INTERMEDIATE DRILL SMittmaster Level 2 expands on the drills introduced in Level 1. This video offers more complex drills that are appropriate for intermediate students and seasoned pad bearers. The emphasis of this video is on simultaneous slipping and countering, trapping, fakes, and the use of various pieces of equipment such as the belly pad. This level demands more technical expertise from both the pad holder and the batter. If you haven’t seen Mittmaster level 1, I recommend you do it first. This video contains Sectoring. And an innovative idea in which you slip and counter at the same time.

Traps are being pulled. How to Disengage an Opponent’s Hands in Order to Strike

Traps are being pushed. How to Distract the Guard in Order to Strike

Traps for wedging Methods for pinning the hands and striking

Slipping and tearing How to Slip Laterally and Defend

Drills for going in and out. Distance training drills

Techniques for impersonation. Fakes enhance the likelihood of your attacks hitting cleanly.

Sectors should be kicked. Discover the best moment to kick.

Belly Pad exercises and combinations Drills that make use of both cushions as well as the Thai Belly pad

First, watch Mittmaster level 1.

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