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Morio Higaonna – Mastering Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu
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Morio Higaonna – Mastering Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu
These are 21 videos of teacher Morio Higaonna teaching goju-ryu karate. They’re all from VHS, but the quality is decent and they’re all in English.
They include goju-ryu karate katas, bunkais (kata usage), techniques, and so on.
Warm-ups and stretching for Goju Ryu:
(about 37 minutes)
02. Goju Ryu Physical Conditioning:
(Approximately 60 minutes)
Stances and Footwork in Goju Ryu:
(about 53 minutes)
04. Goju Ryu Punching Methods:
(About 51 minutes)
05. Kicking Techniques in Goju Ryu:
(about 50 minutes)
06. Goju Ryu Blocking Methods:
(Approximately 60 minutes)
07. Push Hands (Goju Ryu Kakie):
(about 40 minutes)
08. Self-Defense in Goju Ryu:
(Approximately 60 minutes)
09. Sparring in Goju Ryu:
(about 50 minutes)
Makiwara Goju Ryu Training:
(about 40 minutes)
Volume 1 of the Goju Ryu History:
(about 45 minutes)
Volume 2 of the Goju Ryu History:
(about 46 minutes)
Goju Ryu Gekisai Dai-Ichi Kata (13th):
(about 45 minutes)
Goju Ryu Gekisai Dai-Ni Kata 14:
(about 45 minutes)
15. Saifa Kata Goju Ryu:
(about 55 minutes)
16. Seiyunchin Kata of Goju Ryu:
(Approximately 60 minutes)
Shisochin Kata, Goju Ryu:
(Approximately 60 minutes)
Sanseiru Kata, Goju Ryu:
(about 50 minutes)
Goju Ryu Sepai Kata No. 19:
(Approximately 60 minutes)
Goju Ryu Kururunfa Kata: 20.
(Approximately 60 minutes)
Goju Ryu Sesan Kata No. 21:
(Approximately 60 minutes)
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