Nick Cerio – Kenpo Hands

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Nick Cerio – Kenpo Hands


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Nick Cerio – Kenpo Hands

Grand Master Nick Cerio’s Kenpo Hand skills. This package includes Videos 1, 2, and 4. Kenpo Bo is the third video. I’ll upload it later.
These films contain a variety of approaches (each one for about 30 minutes long)
KENPO HANDS teaches fundamental hand and upper body techniques for swift interceptions and powerful blows using all aspects of the hand. Cerio teaches a series of rapid, intense, two-man contact drills that will improve sensitivity significantly. Excellent self-defense skills. 30min. ……….
PROFESSOR NICK CERIO (1936-1998) was the Kenpo expert in New England. Prof. Cerio, a 10th dan with over 35 years of experience, studied under Professor William K.S. Chow and Grandmaster Ed Parker, who both granted him a 9th Dan in Kenpo.
He was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame and the Inside Kung-Fu magazine Hall of Fame after teaching for 30 years. Prof. Cerio regularly instructed law enforcement agents.

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