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Northern Dragons – Steven Burton’s Dim Mak Secrets 4
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Northern Dragons – Steven Burton’s Dim Mak Secrets 4
• Additional 12 Major Dim Mak Points on Dim Mak DVD 4 Steven added a second DVD with 12 more of these hazardous and hidden Dim-Mak points…and how to use them effectively. So you’ll discover the 24 Most Secret And Effective Dim-Mak Striking Points in all. You’ll also discover… A spot that produces havoc across the body. This is analogous to a bomb detonating in your inside organs.
• An extremely simple target that may also be utilized in headlocks (yet no-one knows or thinks about doing this). Use this in any headlock situation to cause your enemy to collapse.
• A’vessel’ point that, if touched, might trigger neurological problems. As Steven puts it, it’s a ‘horrible’ agony.
• The human energy center – striking this will deplete all of his vitality and may even trigger unwanted bladder motions.
• Blood pressure drops to a critical level, resulting in knockout. When combined with a claw and squeeze, this point will give you complete control over your enemy.
• An effective spot that can trigger sinus membrane rupture…despite the fact that it is NOT on the nose!
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