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Description provided by surfbum99:

“To begin, I’d like to note that I did my best to clip out the advertising that the producer places at the end of the files, but some of them still contain a few seconds of it. I’m too lazy to re-rip those who do. Nonetheless, the quality is excellent. I extracted them from the original DVDs for my own usage. I despise switching out DVDs and prefer to watch them on my PS3. I saved the classic schedule as a PDF since that will be the one I use. If you require another timetable, I am confident you can find it on Google. Anyway, back to the subject.

What exactly is included in this awesome torrent?

Get ripped in 30 minutes a day with 16 intense workouts based on Tony Horton’s groundbreaking Muscle Acceleration method. You’ll always have time to work out, and you’ll be able to burn fat and build lean muscle like never before.


The Exercises:

Agility X The Challenge X3 Yoga CVX Total Synergistics
Isometrix Dynamix Accelerator Pilates X Incinerator Triometrics MMX Eccentric Lower Decelerator Upper Eccentric”


Amazon’s description for P90x3:

The Exercises

P90X3 is a set of eight DVDs that contain 16 intense 30-minute exercises. The workouts are divided into four categories: Resistance, Power, and Cardio Workouts, as well as Core, Flexibility, and Balance Workouts

Tony Horton has returned with the latest P90X program, P90X3.

1. Resistance Training

Total Synergistics: A full-body resistance workout that causes rapid, powerful changes in the composition of your body.

The Challenge: Strengthen your whole upper body by stacking push-ups and pull-ups in unusual ways.

Bring It ’til there’s nothing left to bring. A complete burnout workout that tests you to your limits.

The Warrior: This is your drill when you need a one-size-fits-all workout that can be done anytime, anywhere.

Eccentric Upper: Time under stress is the key to quickly gaining lean muscular mass. You’ll be begging for mercy after this upper-body assault.

Eccentric Lower: To carve a ripped lower body faster, slow down the eccentric (or negative) half of each exercise.

A chin up bar is required to get the most out of P90X3.

2. High-Intensity Workouts

Agility X is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic energy that enhances accuracy, flexibility, balance, and strength.

Triometrics: This powerful next-generation plyo workout will increase your speed and power in a quarter of the time.

Decelerator: With multi-angle deceleration training, you can balance your abilities to go up strong and come down safely.

3. Cardiovascular Exercises

CVX: Resistance is now coupled with intervals to provide a full-body burn while also strengthening your core.

MMX: This martial arts-based cardio workout burns fat by testing your strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Accelerator: Improve your cardiovascular and muscle efficiency, resulting in more fat-burning bang for your dollars.

Workouts for the Core, Flexibility, and Balance

X3 Yoga: A flowing exercise that increases musculoskeletal flexibility, balance, stamina, and core strength.

Pilates X combines Pilates concepts with current science to strengthen your core, increase muscle suppleness, and stabilize your joints.

Isometrix: By combining isometric contraction with instability, this workout provides an unshakeable foundation from which to build.

Increase your range of motion, flexibility, and stability to assist optimize the outcomes of each routine.

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