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Pa-Kua Chang for Self-Defense
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Pa-Kua Chang for Self-Defense
This is a martial arts classic, the first Bagua style Kung Fu book in English. The vice president of the Hong Kong Kung Fu Association, Lee Ying Arng, was a pioneer. His was one of the first English-language Kung Fu books, the first Iron Palm book, and the first film strips (8mm in those days) to be distributed. His modified Yang style Tai Chi is one of the greatest abstractions of the set ever done, while being virtually completely neglected. Here’s a BaGua book that’s both instructive and charming. The first portion introduces the basic palm positions, provides a historical perspective with images of notable masters, and shows Lee performing applications. The next part is an English translation of a renowned book by Yen Tie Hwa that includes some of the coolest images of Chinese combat applications ever. The use is Ba Gua to the limit, with some very twisting yet all intriguing versions. There is a bibliography included. Except for the hard cover, dust jacket, and lack of a fold out chart, this reprint is nearly identical to the original. A must-have addition to any Ba Gua library.
Authors Pa-Kua Chang and Yen Te-hwa collaborate to describe the Chinese art of Pa Kua Chang. Pa Kua, also known as Ba Gua Zhang, is an internal system that employs destructive and powerful martial arts techniques with both empty hands and weapons. Lee discusses fundamental footwork, palm moves, weaponry, and the history of Pa Kua Chang in this literature, whereas Yen includes the 33 Pa Kua Self Defense Methods.
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