Pavel Tsatsouline – Beyond the Crunches

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Pavel Tsatsouline – Beyond the Crunches


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Pavel Tsatsouline – Beyond the Crunches

Beyond Crunches DVDPavel Tsatsouline, former Soviet Special Forces conditioning coach, demonstrates his ultimate ab building workout. AWESOME ABS!!!Pavel is AWESOME!!! No BS, no frills, no wasted time getting to the information. Pavel cuts right to the quick and gets down to business. This video will “kick you abss!” Save yourself countless hours of unrewarding toil. Make fast gains and achieve blistering, rock-hard abs now.DVD teaches you the Russian fighter drill that gives you iron-clad obliques. Rip your own abs to eye-popping shreds with Bruce Lee’s favorite ab exercise. Download extreme intensity into your situps with explosive breathing secrets from Asian martial arts.”An Iron Curtain Has DescendedAcross Your Abs.”DVD 37 minutesAverage Rating: 9.8 in 6 reviewsPossess a maximum impact training tool for the world’s most effective abs, no question.Includes detailed follow-along instructions on how to perform most of the exercises described in the companion book, Beyond Crunches. Demonstrates advanced techniques for optimizing results with the Ab Pavelizer.As a former Soviet Union Special Forces conditioning coach, Pavel Tsatsouline already knew a thing or two about how to create bullet-stopping abs. Since then, he has combed the world to pry out this select group of primevally powerful ab exercises—guaranteed to yield the fastest, most effective results known to man. * Fry your abs without the spine-wrecking, neck-jerking stress of traditional crunches. No one—but no one—has ever matched Bruce Lee’s ripped-beyond-belief abs. What was his favorite exercise? Here it is. Now you can rip your own abs to eye-popping shreds and reclassify yourself as superhuman. * Russian fighters used this drill, The Full-Contact Twist, to increase their striking power and toughen their midsections against blows. An awesome exercise for iron-clad obliques. Rapidly download extreme intensity into your situps—with explosive breathing secrets from Asian martial arts. * Employ a little-known secret from East German research to radically strengthen your situp. Do the right thing with “the evil wheel”, hit the afterburners and rocket from half-baked to fully-fried abs.”Mercy Me!” your obliques will scream when you torture them with the Saxon Side Bend.How and why to never, never be nice to your abs—and why they’ll love you for it.A complete workout plan for optimizing your results from the Janda situp and other techniques.

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