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Pedro Carvalho – Series 3 Advanced Strategies & Escapes
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Pedro Carvalho – Series 3 Advanced Strategies & Escapes
This is the whole 8-volume season 3 of Pedro Carvalho on DVD! We compiled all eight volumes onto three DVDs with a full menu and chapter breaks for each method he teaches.
This is Pedro Carvalho’s third and last instructional series, and it is a favorite among many Sport Jiu-Jitsu fans! In this series, Pedro focuses solely on Sport Jiu-Jitsu, demonstrating some of the most sophisticated escapes and competition methods ever seen on tape.
This DVD series is only available as a whole package.
Order yours now!
Advanced Escapes, Volume 17
If you find yourself in the cross-body position, this video will show you advanced escape techniques! Also includes the North and South positions, among other things.
Advanced Escapes, Volume 18
Your opponent will frequently catch you in half guard.
This film will teach you several methods to easily escape from this predicament! Also shows how to get out of key grips when facing Judo players.
Advanced Escapes, Volume 19
If your opponent mounts you, you must be able to flee immediately! This movie will show you some of the most complex escape techniques ever presented on film.
It also discusses how to get your opponent off your back.
Advanced Escapes, Volume 20
When a Jiu-Jitsu fighter achieves the knee-on-chest position, he becomes extremely deadly.
Pedro will show you several strategies to get out of this dangerous situation.
This tape also has several amazing guard escapes.
Tournament Strategies (Volume 21)
Learn advanced tournament takedowns and takedown counters.
Learn advanced footwork as well as the ins and outs of fighting on your feet.
A must-have video for any serious competitor.
Tournament Strategies (Volume 22)
Pedro walks you through the most advanced exhibition of guard fighting ever captured on tape.
Learn crucial techniques for controlling your opponent and preventing him from passing your guard.
Pedro demonstrates the most sophisticated techniques for securing a submission grip on your opponent by responding to and countering his assaults.
Tournament Strategies, Volume 23
You cannot score if you are unable to pass your opponent’s guard.
Learn the guard-passing techniques utilized solely by the most accomplished competition fighters in Brazil.
This tape alone will improve your ability to past the guard in an instant.
Tournament Strategies, Volume 24
This video is the ultimate word on top-down combat! Every position, including the mount, cross-body, knee-on-chest, and back, is covered.
Many of these complex techniques are only known by the world’s greatest Jiu-Jitsu fighters.
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