Ray Floro – The Essential Ray Floro (Knife Fighting)

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Ray Floro – The Essential Ray Floro (Knife Fighting)


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Ray Floro – The Essential Ray Floro (Knife Fighting)

The Crucial Raymond Floro (2 DVD Instructional Course) This is a good look at some good fighting and knife defensive techniques.
Viewing and using for drills in self-defense training is quite beneficial.
Here’s a recap:
Ray Floro teaches a few fundamental knife combat skills that combine to make an invincible method.
Ray’s skills are the result of years of practicing (and excelling at) Filipino martial arts, Western fencing, and other systems, as well as real-world combat experience.
Ray Floro instructs Special Forces Teams (including those from the United States and South Korea), different Special Response Units, and the Australian State Police because of the success of his approach.
His approach is the most logical of all the knife fighting and knife defensive systems I’ve come across.
It is simplified by removing all activities and notions that have not been thoroughly tested “in the field” (street, etc.).
Three things particularly impressed me:

1.Ray utilized his psychology understanding to choose strategies that take advantage of the flinch response—a natural defense instinct.
In Ray’s approach, the defender benefits from the flinch reaction.
Yes, the same flinch response that causes individuals to become injured in poorly built systems…

2.That almost all knife assaults, from whatever angle, are dealt with in a matter of seconds.
(How many? Check out the DVD!) So, instead of wasting a half second deciding which of, say, five actions would match an incoming attack, you speed up your reaction by removing this selection.
You’re familiar with the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) cycle, right? Ray has tightened this loop by eliminating the need to Orient and Decide, which is the difference between winning and dying when you just have a fraction of a second to make the proper move.

3.The tactics of the system are also highly effective in empty-hand combat.
Summary: The system is basic and effective, and it is simple to learn. Elite military and police groups in Australia, South Korea, and the United States were tested. Simple to include into any training program or martial art Instructions in detail A excellent instruction on how to utilize improvised weapons (plastic bottle, book, umbrella, newspaper, etc.) is included in the DVD set. Ray Floro’s martial arts qualifications include (but are not limited to) Okinawan karate, national level Italian fencing, Lameco Eskrima (3rd degree), and Kalis Illustrismo (master teacher) CONTENTS OF THE INSTRUCTION COURSE LESSON #1 Describes the Floro Fighting System’s basis (FFS) Allows you to develop a basic and effective strategy by combining one type of attack and a few defensive techniques. demonstrates how to increase range without changing your feet teaches the non-telegraphic stroke of the FFS LESSON THREEClose-quarters combat teaches how to cope with an opponent who is charging and pushing his assault forcefully How to protect oneself against an armed attack when unarmed (simple moves, applicable to all situations) LESSON TWO introduces variants to provide you with more alternatives in basic attack and defense. Teaches non-telegraphic hitting tactics and strategies at extended ranges. LECTURE FOUR How to Prepare an Opponent How to use deceit and drawing to create opportunities and gain control. How to employ extended opportunity weapons such as rolled-up magazines, walking clubs, umbrellas, and so on LESSON FIVET each has unique skills to employ against a highly competent opponent How to span an extremely long distance His (Floro’s) blog

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