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Roberto Cyborg Abreu – No Gi Tornado
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Roberto Cyborg Abreu – No Gi Tornado
Roberto “Cyborg” Abreu No Gi Tornado 4 Full Length Disk Instructional SeriesDo You Want To Be One Of The Select Few That Learn The Secrets OfLegendary Multiple Time World Champion Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt, Roberto “Cyborg” Abreu..?The highly anticipated 4 disk No Gi Tornado DVD Series has FINALLY arrived.In this groundbreaking training you’ll learn over 60 separate moves and positions directly frommultiple time World Champion Roberto “Cyborg” Abreu…Learn the exact moves that Cyborg used to secure wins over hundreds of people in competition,and see how you can add them to your arsenal and start dominating on the mat.Cyborg has been crushing the world-wide tournament circuit with impressive wins in ADCC,No GI World Championships, Pan Ams, BJJ World Championships, Brazilian National Championships,European Championships, Grapplers Quest, and many more…In today’s high-level world of Brazilian Jiu Jistu and no gi grappling, you need to learnthe tools from the best. Cyborg is internationally recognized as a one of a kind competitorand trainer by producing multiple world champion’s with his incredible teaching style.This is unlike anything you have seen before. In this series, not only do you get over 60brand new positions, we also reveal Cyborg’s strength and conditioning routines,his daily Yoga training, and you get direct access into his personal life and mentalphilosophies on how to be a world champion on the mats and in life.This series is only for people who are serious about learning and being the best on the mat,weather it be in training or competition.
It is your time to be a champion on the mats with this groundbreaking instructional set. In this one of a kind series you will get the secrets that cyborg has used to secure victory in ADCC, No Gi Worlds, Grapplers Quest and other tournaments.
You will also see first hand what Cyborg does off the mat to prepare with strength and conditioning, yoga, and much more.
Tornado guard DVD s
DVD 1: Sweeps
1. Tornado Set Up
2. Half Guard Switch
3. Hunting Tip
4. Telephone Arm Bar
5. Half Guard Arm Bar
6. Kimura Triangle
7. Crotch Arm Sweep
8. Half Guard Omaplata
9. Leg Sweep
10. Sweep To Back
11. Tornado Sweep
12. Tornado Triangle
13. Tornado Reverse Triangle
14. Tornado Shoulder Sweep
15. Half Guard Set Up
16. Knee Twist Sweep
17. Foot Trip Sweep
18. Half Guard Single
19. Take The Back
20. Tornado Knee Bar
DVD 2: Passing
1. Step Over Pass
2. Step Out Pass
3. Knee Push Kimura
4. Defense Back Choke
5. Rolling Toe Hold
6. Spin Kimura
7. Spin To Back
8. Movement Drill
9. Knee Slice Pass
10. Punch Pass
11. Pass To NS Choke
12. Knee To Back
13. Inverted Kick Pass
14. Tornado Drill 1
15. Tornado Drill 2
16. Tornado Drill 3
17. Tornado Drill 4
18.Tornado Drill 5
19. Tornado Drill 6
20. Mobility Drill
DVD 3: Submissions
1. Side Kimura
2. North South Kimura
3. Rolling Arm Bar
4. North South Arm Bar
5. Knee on Belly Tips
6. Knee On Belly To Triangle
7. Inverted Triangle
8. Reverse Triangle
9. Knee On Neck Choke
10.Knee On Neck Variation
11.Back Attack Tips
12.One Arm Choke
13.One Arm Choke Variation
14.Triangle From Back
15.Triangle From Back Variation
16.Arm Bar From Back
17.Arm Bar Variation
1. Yoga For BJJ
2. Strength And Conditioning For BJJ
3. Day In The Life Of The BJJ Lifestyle
4. Emerge Movement Highlight
5. Cyborg Competition Motivation Interview
6. Rolling Highlights At Fight Sports
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