Royler Gracie Competition Tested Techniques DVD 1: Throws and Sweeps

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Royler Gracie Competition Tested Techniques DVD 1: Throws and Sweeps


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Royler Gracie Competition Tested Techniques DVD 1: Throws and Sweeps

Royler Gracie, one of the most known teachers and outstanding fighters in BJJ, has released an instructional DVD for the first time.
In his debut instructional DVD, Volume One: Throws And Sweeps, the four-time World BJJ Champion and three-time World ADCC Champion displays his best competition-tested techniques.

Royler collaborated with one of the best DVD filmmaker/editors, the creator of the Arte Suave Series, to create an epic and exciting instructional DVD for his maiden venture into the instructional DVD field. The DVD was shot in HD in a studio and includes vintage video of Royler competing from 20 years ago.

Royler Gracie shows the strategies he used in international competitions during his successful career in this one-of-a-kind DVD. Royler demonstrates each position, which is accompanied by competition video. These competition-tested tactics have shown to be beneficial and will assist practitioners of all skill levels in improving their game.

Royler’s outstanding career and achievements are highlighted in a special opening to the DVD. A supplementary feature depicts Grand Master Helio Gracie instructing at the Gracie Humaita Academy, Royler showing techniques, and black belt pupils training.

1 Ippon Seoi Nage Trip To Single Leg Far Leg
Variation 2 Ko Ouchi Gari
Three Ouchi Gari Variations
Variation 4 Kosoto Gari
Sumi Gaeshi is the fifth opponent to grab the leg.
6 Opponent Sits Up And Takes Command The Limb: The Foundation and Posture
7 The Leg Is Controlled By The Opponent: Reversal
To Taking The Back, 8 Arm Drag
Sweep 9 Sitting Guard Arm Trap
Reversal of 10 Sitting Guard to Heel Trip
11 Sitting Guard Hip Sweep Hook

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