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Russian Martial Art Systema – Escape From Holds
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Russian Martial Art Systema – Escape From Holds
“Get Out of Holds Vladimir Vasiliev’s DVD The majority of assaults begin with a brutal grasp or choke.
You must flee immediately and thoroughly defeat the enemy.
Vladimir Vasiliev of the Russian Special Operations Unit, Co-Founder and Chief Instructor of the Russian Systema martial art, avoids sport tactics and pattern remembering.
Vasiliev had to escape from such brutal grips, violent strangling, injurious locks, and fatal combat grips that he can provide you more techniques to get free than you can think!
You’ll learn to control almost anything: one and two-arm holds, wrist and elbow locks, throat grabs and guillotine chokes, bear hugging and nelsons, rear-naked chokes, and takedowns from any level of hold application!
But there’s more…
Vasiliev brings you to a genuine class at his school in this unique presentation to see how his pupils perfect Escapes in PERFECT TRAINING PROGRESSION.
No prior experience is required…
Simply observe, study, and absorb while Vasiliev unlocks, unpins, and breaks you!
Color, 110 minutes, Canada, 2005.”
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